The Senate's Community Affairs References Committee has called for a national strategy on rural and remote mental health to address the low rates of access to mental health services and the tragically high rate of suicide in Australia's rural and remote communities. In a MEDIA RELEASE the Senate Community Affairs References Committee said "Australians living in rural and remote communities are less likely to seek mental health treatment than their city dwelling counterparts. Tragically they're also twice as likely to die by suicide" said Committee Chair, Senator Rachel Siewert. "What has been lacking to date is a mental health strategy specifically for rural and remote communities which takes into account the unique service environments and myriad of barriers to accessing quality mental health services in rural and remote Australia." "One clear message came from rural and remote communities: their voices and experiences are not being listened to in service design and delivery. The committee has made several recommendations to put the needs of the community first and improve the accessibility and quality of mental health services in rural and remote communities."A timely announcement on accessibility & quality of mental health services in rural & remote Australia "For Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, cultural competency is as important as clinical competency. It is essential that the mental health workforce receive training and input from their local community to ensure their services are culturally appropriate" said Senator Siewert. The committee received 138 submissions and held 16 public hearings, travelling across Australia to hear from people that live and work in rural and remote communities. A full copy of the committee's report can be found on the committee's website at *************************************************************************************** Audio below: Dr Michael Holland speaking with Simon Lauder of ABC South East Radio December 6th, 2018 Recorded under Fair Dealing All copy right remains with ABC

Above: HEALTH FUNDING 101 We live in a Commonwealth. This funding is our common wealth. Federal and State Governments must commit to full capital funding and ongoing costs for the complete Eurobodalla Model of Care

Above: letter from Brad Hazzard MP