The Greens have called for all the supportive documentation in regards to the Regional Forest Agreements to be provided. Federal and NSW Governments slipped out an extraordinary statement late on Friday evening announcing that Regional Forest Agreements would be renewed for a further 20 years.“We must wonder what they have to hide, making such a major announcement in such a furtive way,” said Deputy Convener of the South East Region Conservation Alliance (SERCA), Harriett Swift. “It is obvious that the haste in renewing the RFAs, months and in some cases years before they expire is driven by the woodchipping industry, whose Wood Supply Agreement expires on 31 December 2018 .”
"The Greens want to scrap these logging laws, which allow for the destruction of our native forests and which are preventing us from moving our wood products industries to sustainably managed plantation sources. The agreements were set up last century, and the Greens contend they should not be simply rolled over into new 20-year agreements, which has been the position taken by the government." said a Greens spokesperson This morning, Dec 6th 2018, Janet Rice, Australian Greens Spokesperson on Forest issues spoke with Claire Wheaton of ABC South East Radio
AUDIO: Janet Rice, Australian Greens Spokesperson on Forest issues speaking with Claire Wheaton of ABC South East Radio Directly following on from the interview with Janet Rice ABC South East's Simon Lauder spoke to Kell Henry of Allied Natural Wood Exports
AUDIO: Kell Henry of Allied Natural Wood Exports speaking with Simon Lauder of ABC South East Radio December 6th, 2018 Recorded under Fair Dealing All copy right remains with ABC