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  • Writer's pictureThe Beagle

Missing Angel Ring in Moruya

Missing Angel Ring (AR) – AGAIN!

Dear Beagle Editor.

Enough is enough!

Again we see the lifesaving devise commonly known as an “Angel Ring” missing from the Moruya public jetty!

Australian National Sportfishing Association (ANSA) has replaced quite a number of these safety devices at this location. These rings have a long history of saving many, many lives. They don’t save lives if missing!

ANSA is now seeking the assistance of the community, if you see one being removed or in appropriately used, or hanging in a location that is inappropriate, please let somebody know. ANSA would like to hear from you. It is illegal to interfere with a life saving device.

Angel Rings are installed and maintained along the NSW coast at no cost by ANSA members and funded by the NSW Fishing Trust Fund (fishing licences). They have saved many, many lives. They are not a toy!

Angel Rings have the ANSA brand on each ring so they are easily identified – If they don’t have that brand, we can’t claim it has been removed from an approved site as they can be purchased for private use.

ANSA members are currently arranging for new signs which will highlight the importance of AR’s not being played with or removed except for appropriate rescue use.

ASNA is more than pleased to have rings returned – no questions asked however if found to be illegally removed advice will be provided to the NSW Police.

Thank you in anticipation.

Max Castle ANSA – RFA

ANSA Contact details: Eurobodalla – 0418570131 or 0412468375 Sydney – 0407131714

NOTE: Comments were TRIALED - in the end it failed as humans will be humans and it turned into a pile of merde; only contributed to by just a handful who did little to add to the conversation of the issue at hand. Anyone who would like to contribute an opinion are encouraged to send in a Letter to the Editor where it might be considered for publication

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