Shire-wide news extracts from the Moruya Examiner of 28 December 1918, provided by the Moruya & District Historical Society:
NAROOMA SPORTS. – A Soldier’s Memorial, to be erected in the local School of Arts, is the laudable object the patriotic residents of Narooma have in view by holding the day’s Sports on New Year’s Day, for which they have provided a most attractive programme of interesting events.
P.P. Board. – Attention is given to the notice by the Broulee Pastures Protection Board, which appears elsewhere in this issue, reminding owners of large stock and sheep as well as rateable land that their annual returns should be sent in on or before the 10th of January.
HOLIDAYS. – The Xmas holidays are now over and people are preparing for the New Years’s pleasures. Christmas day was quietly observed in Moruya, the majority of residents attending Divine worship. On Boxing Day however, there was a great exodus from town, every available car and decent vehicle being commandeered. Many hundreds spent a pleasant day at the Heads, others going to Bateman’s Bay Sports and to Narooma.
EXTRAORDINARY ELECTION. – Owing to the resignation of Councillor H. J. Thomson from the Shire Council, an extraordinary election to fill the vacancy will be held on the 17th Jan. It will be remembered that there was no contest for this Riding (C) at the last election owing to the nomination of Mr. T. Flood, the previous sitting member, being informal. Without any reflection on the retiring Councillor, we are justified in saying that Mr. Flood was one of the best Councillors that Moruya has yet had, and as a good and useful townsman he stands out on his own. If Mr. Flood allows himself to be again nominated for the position of Councillor, we feel sure that he will again be elected against all comers.
OLDEN TIMES. – The following two paragraphs appeared in the “Examiner” of 30 years ago: Football. – On Saturday (tomorrow) a football match will be played on the Park between the Moruya and Braidwood teams. The following players will represent Moruya: Messrs. M. Skehan, T. Peat, C. Simon, W. Tier, quarter backs; J. Buckley, R. L. Stoddart, F. Constable, H. Whittingham, T. Coxon, B. Hunt, D. Pollock, B. McMahon, forwards; J. Tier, B. Harkus, half-backs; C. Daly, full-back. Emergencies: R. Carden, G. Constable and T. Williams. Narooma. – It will surprise many old friends of Mr. James Flanagan of Wamban, to hear that he has taken the Narooma Hotel, South Heads of Bermagui River. Mr. Flanagan as such a very old resident of Moruya leaves the immediate neighborhood with much regret to a large circle but carries with him the best wishes of all. We understand that Mr. Benjamin Collett has leased Mr. Flanagan’s Wamban property.
Street fighting in Berlin continues. A large number of armed civilians continue to join in. The situation is now dangerous for the Government. It is anticipated that the whole of the Berlin garrison whereon the Government relies for power will join the sailors. It is believed that other large forces of sailors are coming from Kiel and Wilhemshaven.
Signor Caproni is building a triplane capable of carrying a hundred passengers.
The question of the reduction of the alcoholic strength of beer is under the consideration of the Minister for Public Health.
Miss Weatherby is home with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Weatherby for the Xmas vacation.
Mrs. Sinclair and son, of Braidwood are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. N. Ball.
Miss Ross, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Ross, of this town, who is in the Educational Department, is home on holidays.
Owing to the influenza epidemic the Sisters of St. Mary’s Convent did not leave here for their Xmas vacation this year.
Mr. H. A. Hoyer, of Central Tilba, passed away on Wednesday last at the age of 73. The late Mr. Hoyer was an Englishman, and prior to embarking in the farming pursuits at Central Tilba, he was for several years manager of the Australian Joint Stock Bank at Cobargo. Deceased was a bachelor, and lived with his nephew, Mr. Chas Hoyer.
Twenty 100 years ago booklets containing articles for the years 1899 to 1918 are available ($6 ea) from the Society’s rooms. Copies of local newspapers from the 1860s to date can be viewed at the Society’s Family History Research Centre (Ph 4474 3224) situated at the rear of the Museum in Campbell St. Moruya (www.mdhs.org.au/publications.html).