Locals travelling through Bodalla might have noticed the Bodalla Arms Hotel is now closed. On closer observation a visitor will find a sign stapled to the door indicating that the Mortgageee is now in possession. The sign says: Mortgagee in Possession Trespassers will be prosecuted Take notice that the registered owners of this property have failed to make their mortgage payments. The mortgagee is therefore by law entitled to take possession and sell the property at a mortgagee sale. No one is permitted to enter the property without the mortgagee’s written permission The hotel has suffered several hurdles over the last decade. Firstly it lost its poker machine licence and then its ability to put on live music due to objections from nearby neighbours. The kitchen has gone through several hands and tried everything from serving ribs to pizza and even scones and tea. A continued difficulty for the hotel was its being on the "wrong side of town" with many of the patrons to Bodalla remaining on the eastern side due to the thundering traffic that severs the town in two. The local Bodalla shopkeepers have effectively lobbied he State Government to see the speed limit reduced through the township from 60kph to 50kph however the "running the gauntlet" of crossing the road remains until a safety island is installed to adjacent to the hotel that will no doubt see both sides of the street then open up for safe shopping. A Council spokesperson told the Beagle "Council staff met with the businesses some time ago and lobbied the NSW Government for the speed zone reduction to 50km/hr. While Council is not normally involved in speed zoning, the case was so compelling we decided to help. "We were ultimately successful in this bid and local businesses went out of their way to say thank you. At the same time we raised the need to improve the pedestrian facilities to improve road safety and support local businesses. "Council staff have since met with the RMS on multiple occasions about the matter. It is a difficult site to achieve a pedestrian facility, however, we continue to advocate to the RMS."

McConkey’s Hotel – the Killarney of the South, back in the day
When last listed in 2015 the hotel featured:
* Vacant Possession Licensed Freehold * Highway Frontage * Bar, Restaurant/Dining Room, Games Room, Managers Accommodation plus 9 Letting Rooms * Storage sheds leased * Ideal Family Operation with Good Upside * Lower Priced Opportunity with Ability to Diversify