Shire-wide news extracts from the Moruya Examiner of 1 February 1919, provided by the Moruya & District Historical Society:
FAT EWES. – 160 fat ewes will be offered at Keating’s yards on Tuesday next at 11.30 a.m.
SPINNERS WANTED. – Mrs. Jermyn, Supervisor of the Red Cross Spinning Circle, kindly wishes all the spinning and intending pupils to meet at her home on Thursday next, 6th inst., at 2.30 p.m. Every spinner is especially requested to attend.
SIGNALS FROM ABOVE. – Marconi, of wireless fame, declared that ether waves were eternal, and that some of the messages sent out a decade ago, were still travelling starwards. He had often received strange signals, which seemed to emanate from beyond the earth – possibly the stars.
RELEASED. – Mrs. J. Molloy of “Wattle Hill,” Bimbimbie, has received the welcome news through the Red Cross Society and the Military Authorities that her son Pte. H. E. J. Molloy, who was a prisoner of war for about 18 months, has been released and has arrived in England.
LATEST TELEGRAMS. – (From our Sydney Correspondent.)
Five cases of influenza in Sydney yesterday, which brings the total of proved cases to 25.
157 new cases in Melbourne yesterday, bringing the total to 599 cases. There have been 42 deaths.
The Victorian and Federal Governments are strongly protesting at the action of the New South Wales Government in closing the border to traffic. They claim it a violation of the agreement made in November.
Hundreds of Queenslanders marooned on the Tweed River are prohibited from returning to Queensland and must come to Sydney, thence by steamer to Brisbane, where they will be seven days in quarantine.
Hooper’s Famous Pictures in the Mechanic’s Hall on Wednesday, 12th inst.
Mrs. E. J. Heffernan advertises a social dance in the Centennial Hall tonight in aid of the R. C. Bazaar “Dinkum Stall”.
Private Michael Ryan (Mynora) has returned from the front looking a greatly improved man in appearance and conversation.
Mr. Weatherby’s Buick motor cars are champions, and his two to the Major’s Creek races on Monday scaled the steep mountains without turning a hair.
Mr. J. Innes of Tomakin has received word that her son Pte. F. J. Innes, has left England by the Berrima and is expected to arrive in Melbourne about 11th inst.
Mrs King, wife of Mr. Jack King, of the Hotel Adelaide, was taken to Nowra on Thursday, by Mr. Weatherby’s special car suffering from appendicitis. The patient was to enter Lewisham Hospital to be operated on.
WAGONGA. – Mr. J. Grumley writes us: - “I shall never forget last Tuesday as long as I live, up till the wind changed to the south, it seemed that we would be roasted alive, but the change that saved myself and Mr. J. Toms nearly wiped out the rest of Wagonga, as it was, all W. Cahill’s outbuildings were burnt, also McMillan’s sawmill and J. Moffat’s residence, the latter with the assistance of neighbours, saved most of his belongings. It comes hard on the old couple who were caretakers of Mr. Charlston’s battery, all of which was burnt. I believe that it was a pitiful sight to see the women and children crouching on the bank of the river watching the men fighting for dear life to save their homes in which some nearly lost their lives.”
HOLIDAY. – A proclamation under the Banks and Bank Holidays Act, of 1912, has been published in the Government Gazette that Monday next, 3rd of Feb., has been proclaimed for the district of Moruya. Persons who require money for the enjoyment of the holiday should see their Banker today (Saturday), as these institutions will be closed on Monday.
Twenty 100 years ago booklets containing articles for the years 1899 to 1918 are available ($6 ea) from the Society’s rooms. Copies of local newspapers from the 1860s to date can be viewed at the Society’s Family History Research Centre (Ph 4474 3224) situated at the rear of the Museum in Campbell St. Moruya (www.mdhs.org.au/publications.html).
Twenty 100 years ago booklets containing articles for the years 1899 to 1918 are available ($6 ea) from the Society’s rooms. Copies of local newspapers from the 1860s to date can be viewed at the Society’s Family History Research Centre (Ph 4474 3224) situated at the rear of the Museum in Campbell St. Moruya (www.mdhs.org.au/publications.html).