Shire-wide news extracts from the Moruya Examiner of 8 February 1919, provided by the Moruya & District Historical Society: TENDERS called for the removal and re-erection of the Nelligen Methodist Church RETURNED soldier’s motor lorry for hire.ANZACS IN ACTION. – On Tuesday next 11th inst., the Mogo residents will have the pleasure of hearing the renowned “Fighting Mac”, Chaplain Lieut Col. McKenzie deliver his thrilling lecture “Anzacs In action”. OPTICIAN. – The well known optician, Mr. J. L. Walker, M.I.O. intends visiting Moruya periodically. Those who need scientific optical service have the opportunity today (Saturday) of receiving same from Mr. Walker, who will be at McKeon’s Commercial Hotel. MORUYA SHOW. – At a well attended special meeting of the Committee, held in the Shire Hall on Thursday afternoon last, it was finally decided by a two to one majority to carry out the Show as advertised on the 26th and 27th of this month, February. Mr. George Luck made the speech of his life in favour of the proposition, for which he was applauded. MORUYA SHOW. – The majority of the members of the Moruya Agricultural Society have a brave heart, and we do trust that the community at large will back them up in their determinations to go on with the Show 1919 and make it a success, notwithstanding the disheartening prospects before them. ILLNESS. – On Tuesday night last Miss Cheesman, who had attended the races on that day, took suddenly ill, and Dr. Quilter was called in. The patient’s temperature reached 104, and though varying from that down to 100 it was back to 104 on Thursday night. Today (Friday) the patient was said to be slightly better altho’ the temperature is still high. Nurse Millikin is in attendance. CAR ACCIDENT. – On Tuesday afternoon when returning to Eurobodalla from Moruya, Mr. J. Duncan met with an accident through his motor car overturning. Whilst descending the hill near Noggerula another car attempted to pass and Mr. Duncan applied his break suddenly, which caused the car to capsize. The occupants escaped injury except the driver, Mr. J. Duncan, who received a nasty gash in his left leg which necessitated him being taken to the Hospital and having a few stitches inserted. WELCOME VISITOR. – After two years absence the highly popular Father Quilter, of St. Francis Church, Melbourne, is now on a visit to Moruya, and needless to say, received a genuinely hearty welcome by his numerous friends throughout the district. Father Quilter is the guest of his brother, Dr. Quilter. PERSONAL AND OTHERWISE. – Gone from the helm – Wilhelm. Hoopers Famous Pictures in the Mechanics Hall Wednesday 12th inst.Miss Hilda Farrell has been appointed assistant at Bodalla Public School. The young lady was formerly on the staff at Coogee. The Honor Roll for the Bodalla Public School has been received. It is a magnificent piece of work.The tender for Mrs Norman at 2/6 per head for luncheon and £2 7s 9d for the Tea Tent was accepted. The Committee will meet at the Pavilion on the 22nd.Marksmen were on tiptoe waiting for the lifting of the embargo on duck-shooting and Saturday found them spreading consternation amongst the flocks. The Deua River was a favoured spot and some good bags were secured.The advent of the Motor car in the mail service between Moruya and Araluen represents a step forward in keeping with time. Messrs McIntosh, contractors, are to be commended for their enterprise in displacing the old horse-coach by an up-to-date and pleasant mode of travel.After the Huns did their best for years to starve us, we have now to feed them. But they must have been hungry to swallow the armistice conditions.
Twenty 100 years ago booklets containing articles for the years 1899 to 1918 are available ($6 ea) from the Society’s rooms. Copies of local newspapers from the 1860s to date can be viewed at the Society’s Family History Research Centre (Ph 4474 3224) situated at the rear of the Museum in Campbell St. Moruya (www.mdhs.org.au/publications.html).