Shire-wide news extracts from the Moruya Examiner of 15 February 1919, provided by the Moruya & District Historical Society:
PRESBYTERIAN. – On Wednesday last the Presbyterians of this district held their Annual Meeting and Sunday School Picnic in the Church and grounds at the manse. The Church report as well as that of the Sunday School was highly satisfactory. A Presentation in the shape of something very recherche was made to Miss Mollie Louttit, a late Sunday School Teacher, now an assistant in the Bodalla Store, by the Sunday School scholars.
MRS J. KING. – We are pleased to be in a position to state that Mrs. J. King, wife of the generous host of the Hotel Adelaide, who was hurriedly taken to Sydney eight or ten days ago suffering from appendicitis, and had two operations performed upon her in Lewisham Private Hospital, is now on the mend. Mr. King, who was with the patient early in the week, has returned to Moruya in a much more hopeful state of mind than he had experienced for some days previously.
THE WEATHER. – On Monday afternoon a light southerly brought along some of the most promising rainy clouds we have seen during the dry spell; and in addition occasional heavy drops, distant thunder and lightning encouraged the belief that we were about to get a heavy downpour. Our hopes were, however, shattered as only 15 points fell during the night, and the following morning broke clear and fine, and these conditions are still unchanged. Braidwood had 22 points, but the heavy clouds which gave us such hopes appear to have carried their weighty treasure as far as Wollongong where they emptied no less than 4½ inches.
IDEAL RESIDENCE. – Mrs Jones, widow of the late Baron Jones, under whose capable supervision and directions the Moruya Co-operative Dairy Factory was erected and subsequently managed for a considerable time, has had her ideal residence at the top of Campbell Street renovated throughout, having brought a mechanic with her from Queensland for the purpose – and as it occupies a high and healthy position and a commanding view of the town and surrounding landscape, is one of the most ideal residences in the whole district. The mechanic informs us that the timber in the building is exceptionally strong and of the best quality and capable of carrying another story, or two if required .
DEATH. – The death took place at the local Hospital on Tuesday of Mrs. Staunton, wife of Mr. James Staunton, of Congo, and eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Nunan, of Bergalia, at the age of 54 years. Although Mrs. Staunton had been suffering for a few months from varicose veins in the leg, no immediate danger was anticipated, and the end, which came suddenly, was a severe shock to her many relatives and friends. The deceased lady, who was a native of Wollongong, was greatly esteemed by all the residents of the Moruya district, where she had lived practically all her life. A practical Catholic all her life, she was fortified by the last rites of the church. The deceased leaves a husband, five daughters, Mrs. F. Sebbens (Braidwood), Misses Isabella, Mary, Clarice and Amy (Congo), and two sons, Messrs John (Sydney) and Frank (Congo), for whom the deepest sympathy is expressed in the loss of such a devoted wife and fond mother.
It is estimated that 8000 men are out of work in this State as a result of the influenza epidemic.
Congratulations to Councillor Douglas Hutchison who has been re-elected President of the Eurobodalla Shire Council.
Twenty 100 years ago booklets containing articles for the years 1899 to 1918 are available ($6 ea) from the Society’s rooms. Copies of local newspapers from the 1860s to date can be viewed at the Society’s Family History Research Centre (Ph 4474 3224) situated at the rear of the Museum in Campbell St. Moruya (www.mdhs.org.au/publications.html).