On December 11th, 2018 a motion was adopted by Eurobodalla Council that Council: 1. Negotiates with the operator of the Batemans Bay Mini Golf to acquire its lease. 2. Delegates to the General Manager to conclude these negotiations and acquire the lease in accordance with the Confidential Attachment. 3. Seeks the consent of the Minister of Local Government and the Governor to issue a Proposed Acquisition Notice to acquire the lease by compulsory process if required. 4. Takes all other required actions to acquire the lease including applying the Council Seal to any documents if required. It was agreed on the day that Council move into a confidential session to discuss the Lease Acquisition – Mini Golf which then permitted the meeting to be closed to the public as discussions might reveal information that would, if disclosed, confer a commercial advantage on a person with whom the Council is conducting (or proposes to conduct) business. The negotiations are progressing and it is speculated that the buy out will be in the order of $500,000 reflecting market value however the final payout will not be known until it is revealed on Council's books. Though the buy-out is not presently budgeted for, by fact of agreement to proceed with the lease acquisition the councillors have endorsed the cost of the buy out, whatever it might be, in the next budget. While some might consider it to be commercial in confidence not to reveal the final payout figure once the transaction has been formalised there is no reason why the community, who are in fact the ones who provided the funds, aren't made aware of the final figure. This payout will be added to the compounding costs of the Mackay Park project. To date, as confirmed by Director Usher the Mackay Park project has already cost ALL Eurobodalla ratepayers $4 million dollars, not including the additional $2.7 million dollars paid for the Batemans Bay Bowling club site. Mayor Brown said at the time "Being able to purchase this important site in our largest town is a great outcome for our community and I am excited about the opportunities it opens up for Batemans Bay and Eurobodalla" and that "the site could include a new aquatic centre, an arts cultural cinema building, conference and event space, tourism accommodation, restaurant and cafes, seniors’ living and the integration of existing sporting fields into the future development of the precinct." It has come as a major surprise to the community to learn that Council have now decided the Mini Golf has to go. But the question now must be asked "Go Where?" Council have, by their new concept plans, indicated that there is no room in the Mackay Park precinct for the Mini Golf to be removed while building is going on and then to re-established on site. No doubt all will be revealed as to how much the community had to pay to "buy out" the Mini Golf lease and hopefully this much loved family enterprise will rebuild somewhere in the region and continue to provide the pleasure it has given to the many locals and visitors who enjoy one of the few family focused entertainment enterprises we have in the shire.