Your weekend fishing guide courtesy of Tackle World Moruya
Moruya River
What a difference a week can make and a sudden change in the weather can do to the fishing in the area. This week has been tough on all fronts if the reports I’m hearing are anything to go by. Not a lot of keepers have been caught on the flats at all in the river this week however a few guys putting the hours in did find a couple of fish using surface lures and no surprise the sugapen is still the stand out lure of choice and there’s still big numbers of pinky snapper around, so I guess it’s a great time to get the kids off there iPads, iPhones and play station’s and get them out catching these little fish as they are fun for the kids and when there are numbers like these at the moment the kids will be kept busy winding these little fellas in for hours.
If you're looking for some action yourself then head up around Yarragie as there has been reports of good whiting getting around up there and if your chasing some flathead then they will be up there chasing the whiting themselves!
This week some people have called Tuross struggle town! Yet others have done quite well so this suggests the fish in Tuross this week have schooled up and congregated around certain areas of the system and given the sudden change in weather mid week it’s no surprise and again no surprise that most good fish were taken on soft plastics with the Zman grub in the watermelon colour and the Squidgie slick rig being the most commonly used plastic this week.
Whiting have been taken towards the back of the system around the highway bridge and the bream have been there as well and a few guys did report small windows of opportunity to target these fellas on surface lures.
Graham was one of the lucky people this week to be in the right place at the right time to target these fish on surface and he did do very well so well done boss and thanks for telling me I could have a day off next week to do some fishing myself! Well it was something like that anyway – he he. Flathead also have been around the same area so put a plastic on or a bottom magic and try flicking into the deeper holes and drop offs.
Well to be honest the ever reliable wind sock beach has been a flop this week with several anglers not even getting a bite in several hours of fishing so don’t say I never warned you. On a better note the beaches at Tuross and Coila have fished well for salmon, whiting, bream and the odd jewfish, so if your thinking about heading out for a flick off the beach then maybe they are the go-to beaches! Bait this week has been salted pilchards for most people, however sand worms are a close second.
Blue Water
Snapper, morwong and marlin, yep that’s right marlin! And what a week its been with most boats venturing managing a hook up and some boats even having multiple hook ups and at times double hook ups! So if marlin is your thing then head out and try your luck. Most of the action has been from Montague Island right down to Eden. Snapper and morwong are still biting out off the surf club in 35-40 metre range of water. Squid has been the stand out bait and we currently have both sizes in the Lund squid boxes, so grab some squid and go get into the action!!
Tight lines my friends and remember “every day’s a good day for fishing … “
Team Tackle World Moruya