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Writer's pictureThe Beagle

Phillips: Labor will fix Princes Highway Mobile Blackspots

Labor’s Regional Communications Spokesperson, Stephen Jones, and Labor Candidate for Gilmore, Fiona Phillips have announced that Labor will provide up to $2 million in essential funding to help fix mobile blackspots along the Princes Highway.

In making the announcement Ms Phillps said "This is critical infrastructure that saves lives in an emergency and is central to the daily life of all local residents and businesses "The Princes Highway is the main arterial route along the NSW South Coast and fixing these black spots is a priority for the community. “There are locations that should have been funded but were not and there are a number of black spots along the Princes Highway at Wandandian, near Broulee Road and at Moruya that are examples of this,” said Mr Jones. “We must do more to help regional communities when it comes to mobile black spots, this is vital infrastructure that people rely on.” Fiona Phillips said that the announcement would make a huge difference to local communities. “The majority of residents and visitors travelling along the Princes Highway are totally frustrated with the failed mobile phone rollout, which means they experience poor mobile coverage at home and at work,” said Ms Phillips. “We have a local economy that is dependent on tourism and retail so mobile phone coverage is vital,” Ms Phillips said. Stephen Jones said that Labor is strongly committed to improving regional connectivity and has long pledged to match the Coalition black spot program, dollar for dollar. “Not only is Labor funding mobile services, we are also committed to improving the whole Mobile Black Spot Program to address many of the criticisms and issues identified by the ANAO, ACCC, Productivity Commission and State Governments.

NOTE: Comments were TRIALED - in the end it failed as humans will be humans and it turned into a pile of merde; only contributed to by just a handful who did little to add to the conversation of the issue at hand. Anyone who would like to contribute an opinion are encouraged to send in a Letter to the Editor where it might be considered for publication

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