Residents of Banksia Village in Broulee recently organised a very successful Art and Craft Exhibition, along with a plant stall and sausage sizzle. Many of Banksia's talented residents agreed to put their favourite creations into the Exhibition - with the display including diverse arts and crafts such as mosaics, woodwork, crochet, patchwork, and paintings. One of the many impressive items in the Exhibition was a patchwork quilt created by Geraldine Currie, a resident of Banksia Village since 2018. Geraldine’s quilt took 20 years to make, with every hexagon being made from a piece of clothing worn by her family. “The quilt adorns my Queen size bed and is a constant reminder of clothes worn at past events. Such a fun project” she said. It’s a family heirloom in the true sense of the word. Organiser Jill Bennett was delighted with the turn out on the day. “We sold all our plants and sausages, raising $900 for the Arts and Crafts group” she said. “But the thing that amazed me was just how many of the Village residents had such incredible talents. And we loved seeing so many local families come in to Banksia to see our display.”

Above: Banksia Village resident Geraldine Currie is proud to display her patchwork quilt, made from items of family clothing.