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100 years Ago April 19th 1919

Writer's picture: The BeagleThe Beagle

Shire-wide news extracts from the Moruya Examiner of 19 April 1919, provided by the Moruya & District Historical Society:

TO TIMBER GETTERS. – Mr. J. E. Hawdon advertises for sale the right to cut and remove timber from 1200 acres of the Kiora Estate. Tenders close 5th May.

SPINNING PRIZES. – Mrs. G. H. James, of “Lynwood,” has kindly given the Secretary of the Red Cross 5/- towards the prizes for the forthcoming Spinning Competition.

ILLNESS. – Miss H. Williams, manageress of “Vivian Cottage” Private Boarding House, was suddenly taken ill on Monday, and on Tuesday Dr. Quilter was called in and pronounced the illness to be nervous breakdown. We are pleased to report that the patient has almost quite recovered.

WELCOME BACK. – Our honest old friend, Mr. Alf Crapp, who it will be remembered, failed to pass for the front, owing to be a year over the stipulated age, and who joined the Ambulance Corps and went through the necessary drill in camp, was given a most hearty welcome back to Woolgoolga, on his return from New Zealand, where his boat was stopped on the declaration of peace. Alf was quarantined in New Zealand and also in Sydney where he had to go into the hospital.

DEATH. – Very great sympathy was expressed throughout this district for Mr. William Flanaghan and his family when it became known on Tuesday that Mrs. Flanagan had passed away the previous evening at her late residence, Norfolk St., Paddington, at the age of 63 years from heart failure. The deceased lady had not enjoyed good health for the past three years, having had two slight attacks of paralysis during that time. Mrs. Flanagan is well known here having married and reared a highly respected family. Of a kind and loveable nature she made fast friends of those who knew her intimately. She leaves a sorrowing widower, five sons, Messrs. Placid (Kiora), Clement (Bega), Leo (Narooma), Morgan (Sydney) and Paul (lately returned from active service abroad) and one daughter, Miss Madeline Flanagan (Sydney).


Mr. Wallace Boxsell, son of Mr. J. G. Boxsell, Cobargo, is an influenza patient in Sydney

Owing to the obliteration of landmarks on the Pambula flat by the flood a number of holdings have to be re-surveyed in order to get the correct positions of boundary fences.

Experiments with Soudan grass in the Cobargo district give good grounds for the belief that it is an excellent fodder for silo conservation.

Reported that the late Mr. John O’Brien, of Braidwood, left his considerable estate to Mr. Austin Chapman’s two sons, who are nephews of the deceased. To him that hath shall be given.

Ce. Hutchison, of Eurobodalla Shire, travelling in his car, was the first to cross the bridge just open to traffic in Cobargo. He called the bridge hands and paid toll by “settin’ ‘em up” at the nearest bar – “Chronicle”.

Mrs R. J. Anderson of “Inglewood,” received the sad news last week that her brother, Wesley William Grey, had died from pneumonic influenza. The deceased, who was the youngest son of Mrs. Castilian Grey and the late John William Grey (Glen Innes), was only 19 of age.

LATEST TELEGRAMS. – Sydney. Thursday

The latest figures for New Zealand Licensing vote gives Prohibition a majority of 140.

There were 33 deaths and 170 new cases hospitalised in Sydney for the24 hours ended 8 last night.

There were 547 new cases and 33 deaths in Melbourne and 10 deaths in Lithgow in the 48 hours.

Twenty 100 years ago booklets containing articles for the years 1899 to 1918 are available ($5 ea) from the Society’s rooms. Copies of local newspapers from the 1860s to date can be viewed at the Society’s Family History Research Centre (Ph 4474 3224) situated at the rear of the Museum in Campbell St. Moruya (

NOTE: Comments were TRIALED - in the end it failed as humans will be humans and it turned into a pile of merde; only contributed to by just a handful who did little to add to the conversation of the issue at hand. Anyone who would like to contribute an opinion are encouraged to send in a Letter to the Editor where it might be considered for publication

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