On May 11, 2019 Broulee local Chantal Bradshaw and co-organisers are hosting a Hands Across the Sand event at South Broulee Beach. Meet at 11am, bring a picnic, build a sand castle and prepare to show we care by joining hands to draw attention to the Climate Emergency!!
All Ages Welcome!!
Chantel says "Should you wish to paint some signs, please do!! There will be tables with info, media coverage and a great vibe!!"

Mission Statement Bring together individuals and organizations to promote a clean energy future across the world and end our dependence on dirty fuels. Gather thousands of Americans and global citizens at beaches and cities to draw metaphorical and actual lines in the sand; human lines in the sand against fossil fuels that threaten our future. Move local, state, national and world leaders to adopt policies encouraging the growth of clean and renewable energy. An Opportunity of National and Global Importance Now is the time for citizens across the globe to join hands and steer our energy policy away from our dependence on fossil fuels and towards clean energy and renewables.