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100 years Ago May 17th 1919

Writer's picture: The BeagleThe Beagle

Shire-wide news extracts from the Moruya Examiner of 17 May 1919, provided by the Moruya & District Historical Society:

RED CROSS Linen Tea on Tuesday next, 20th inst. Tea and cake for 6d. Jumbo Stall and wool exhibition.

FOOTBALL. – At a meeting at Moruya Heads on Monday, 12th inst., the “Dinkum Sports” Football Club was formed. The following officers were elected: Patron, Captain Millard; President, Mr. A. Weatherby; Vice Presidents, Messrs J. J. King, A. F. Emmott, J. McKeon and W. Ryan.

BENEFIT RACES. – The decision arrived at by the Moruya Registered Race Club, some four or five weeks ago to hold a Benefit Race Meeting for the Hunt family – whose bread winner has been in hospital, and still completely incapable of working, for about twelve months past – as soon as the restrictions were lifted and the date of the Bega races decided on, confirmed that laudable decision at a meeting of the committee on Tuesday night.

TENNIS CLUB. – The annual meeting of the Moruya Lawn Tennis Club was held last week. Present : Messrs R. L. Dawson (chair), Mrs. Cheesman, Mrs. Ison, Miss Ison, Mr. W. Jermyn, Mr. F. Knight and the hon. sec., Mr. C. Carter. Donations of £1 1s to each of the following was made: Moruya Hospital and local Red Cross. It was also decided to get a new tennis box and have a weather-shed erected.

SUDDEN DEATH. – It is with feelings of unfeigned regret that we have to report the untimely and sudden death of Miss Ruth Chapman, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Chapman of “Springrove,” Braidwood, at the age of 14 years. Deceased, with a younger sister, was at the Goulburn C. E. Grammar School, where she was suddenly seized by Pneumonic-influenza, to which she succumbed the following morning. The corpse was brought to Braidwood and interred on Thursday.

RESIDENTIAL CHANGES. – Mr. P. Gannon and family have removed from Moruya and gone to Moggendoura, where Mr. Gannon has entered into share dairy-farming on the original homestead property; and Mr. P. J. Mylott and family are taking over Mr. Gannon’s Queen-street home for their private residence.

SWAMP TANK. – It is with feelings of pleasure that the “Examiner” hastens to compliment the Eurobodalla Shire Councillors in their prompt action in coming to the relief of stock owners in this town as soon as they were aware that their windmill tank had given out, and that stock both inside and outside the Swamp Reserve were in want of water. The Councillors at once entered into a contract with Mr. Bert Coppin to erect a reinforced concrete tank with a holding capacity of 3,000 gallons. The new tank has now been completed, and does the Council immense credit, as well as being a standing advertisement for the contractor, Mr. Coppin. This new water receptacle is circular in shape, has a wall of 6-inch thickness, with barb wire reinforcement, and is erected on a solid granite foundation, let some distance into the ground. When filled there will be some weeks supply for the drinking troughs, during which time the mill can be turned off.


The Rev. H. E. Lewin, we are informed, is having a couple of rooms erected behind the church at Narooma. This will enable the reverend gentleman to devote more time to that end of his parish.

There are four new members on the A&P Society’s committee this year, viz.: Messrs R. J. Anderson, Sid Louttit, J. E. Lavis and W. P. Bill. This quartet should help the introduction of some new and progressive ideas, particularly Mr. Bill, who is no mean authority on stock, especially the Milking Shorthorns.

Mrs. J. Emmott and her daughter, Mrs. Gregg, arrived in Moruya on Monday for a few month’s sojourn, and are staying at McKeon’s Commercial Hotel, where they secured a suite of rooms.

Twenty 100 years ago booklets containing articles for the years 1899 to 1918 are available ($5 ea) from the Society’s rooms. Copies of local newspapers from the 1860s to date can be viewed at the Society’s Family History Research Centre (Ph 4474 3224) situated at the rear of the Museum in Campbell St. Moruya (

NOTE: Comments were TRIALED - in the end it failed as humans will be humans and it turned into a pile of merde; only contributed to by just a handful who did little to add to the conversation of the issue at hand. Anyone who would like to contribute an opinion are encouraged to send in a Letter to the Editor where it might be considered for publication

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