Last night (May 23rd, 2019) at around 8pm, just as members of the Bawley Point Rural Fire Brigade were returning home following a Hazard Reduction (HR) pile burn, a callout was received to respond to a motor vehicle accident (MVA) along Bawley Point Road.
The MVA involved two vehicles in a head-on collision, with three people injured. A Medevac Helicopter had to be called in. The Captain of Bawley Point Brigade, Charlie Magnuson, assisted the Paramedics at the scene by driving the ambulance, that had responded earlier, to the Helicopter landing site, which freed up all three Paramedics to attend to the injured.
Special thanks is extended to Terry Snow and Chad Percival for their quick response to the request for assistance in this emergency and opening up Wallinga Park for the Medevac Helicopter to land in order to make an urgent evacuation.
Local Stew Craig said "Mr Snow’s and Mr Percival's terrific cooperation during this emergency in opening the facilites and preparing the landing zone greatly helped to expedite the evacuation of one of the drivers, who was severely injured."
"Thank you to all brigades and personnel involved for another job well done and please, everyone, take it easy on the roads and let’s all stay safe." said Mr Craig
Above: Willinga Park opened up their showjumping field with all light on as a landing field. Photo Stew Craig