Your up-to-date fishing report from the team at Tackle World Moruya
Moruya River
The river is still holding some large yellow fin bream towards the mouth of the system and just out on the fringes of the system with fish over the kilo mark being landed regularly on a variety of lures with Squidgies this week being the productive lure, however I bet if they are loving a soft plastic then there’s every chance the old sand worm or pipi would also work a treat and using a bait like these will also produce the odd whiting so it’s not a bad by-catch by any means. Flathead have been in the river in good numbers and size this week and are laying on the edges of the weed beds around Garland town. If your looking for the sometimes shy estuary perch I would suggest trying a night mission along the rock wall right in town from the bridge right down the sea plane jetty and use a small soft plastic like a Zman grub or a Gulp craby as there has been a large school of ep’s cruising this area the last few nights.
The lake fired this week from the reports I heard with flathead and whiting and a few bream with the entrance to the system still producing some quality fun with large salmon wanting to get in on the action and pull some line. The upper reaches of the system has seen its fair share of catches this week with one stand out being a solid 105cm jewfish landed off the highway bridge pylons early in the week.
The racks around Turlinjah have produced some quality fishing with some nice bream and flathead hanging around and the deeper holes in the river have also produced these fellas.
Tuross has to be the pick of the beaches again this week with schools of salmon and tailor patroling these areas and also on the hunt on these beaches are some cracking bream. Jewfish have been landed but size is really lacking and I’m guessing it’s due to the lack of swell and wash on the beaches. If I’m targeting jew from the beaches at the moment I’m looking for the rocky headlands at each end of the beach and looking for the deeper holes around these areas and also a fresh bait is a must when the seas are this flat.
Reef fishing
Nice snapper and morwong are still hanging around on the reefs just off Moruya and Tuross, but to be honest so are the pesky leather jackets so here lays a few issues with loosing gear as these leather jackets seem to live off eating swivels and lead. One thing that seems to work to deter these fellas from eating my gear is I use black swivels, clips etc to try and reduce the flash that brass swivels, clips throw off but hey this still isn’t fool proof but it makes me feel better to know I’m at least trying to deter them from stealing all my gear. There are still sharks getting around and a few guys this week have come into store and stocked up on heavy wire leaders, with 120 pounds seeming to be the pick this week for these toothy critters!
Our Snowy Mountains report is brought to you by our guru – Adam.
The current weather forecast is looking positive with rain and snow in the high country and surrounds for the upcoming weekend and hopefully into next week. Rain is desperately required to raise the levels and flows in the spawning streams so the fish can move upstream and do their thing. The current low water levels and lack of rain is having an effect on this years spawning run. Without rain it just won’t happen.
Tantangara Dam.
Dropped to 20% capacity and still fishing exceptionally well with the trout engulfing almost everything they encounter and the trout are all in great condition with an average weight of 2lb+ also some very solid fish amongst them.
Lake Eucumbene
Dropped to 25% capacity, so take your mud boots. These cold nights have dropped the waters temp and the fish have fired up on all fronts.
Good reports mostly from boaters around old Adaminaby, Anglers Reach and 7gates areas have been impressive, mostly flat lining winged lures. Bait fisho’s have been catching fish during the day using floating PowerBait “pink” or a mix of worms and PowerBait, keeping your bait just above the bottom will increase your chances. Walking the banks flicking lures amongst the rocks and running them parallel to the bank is a great way to entice a passing fish and fill in the hours/day.
Lake Jindabyne
Now sitting at 75% capacity. Fishing here has improved with trolling being the most productive method. Covering ground and killing time has produced some solid browns this week. For the bait anglers the township end has provided the best results using a mix of baits. Surely it can only improve from here on.
Blue Ribbon spawning streams: Strictly artificial flies and lures only, during the spawning season the rules and regulations change so please check the current regulations before heading to these locations.
Thredbo River
Crystal clear and running very low, let’s pray for the forecasted rain. Fishing the lower sections is your best option.
All fly anglers have their personal fly of choice but the good old Glo bugs being the standout during spawning time.
Eucumbene river and portal area
Much like the Thredbo river it’s running very low and good amounts of rain is needed to get the fish moving so us anglers can have a crack at a trophy trout before the river season ends for winter. There have been plenty of small browns caught on fly’s and lures below the portal with the occasional larger brown showing up. There’s still reports of lots of fat feisty rainbows cruising around looking to raid any eggs. Anything pink, orange or red coloured would be my personal preferences.
My go too lures for these rivers: Bullet Lures in both the 3cm and 5cm models. Rapala CD-3, CD-5, F-5, F-7, F-9. Jackson lures: trout tunes, athletes 555s, Cyarl blade. Celta and Nils Masters spinners plus various soft plastics and my home made weighted fly’s.
Tight lines and remember “every days a good day for fishing … “
Tight lines and remember “Every days a good day for fishing … “
Team Tackle World Moruya