Perfex Event - re Mackay Park Arts facility project
Moving Forward
Open discussion, update and Q&A session
On this Wednesday 26th June 2019 10am at the Batemans Bay Community Centre, Perfex will hold a Community Q&A and Discussion event.
All are welcome.
Prior to the discussion, with great gratitude, we are proud to present Life Membership awards to:
Jeannie Brewer, as inaugural president and for her outstanding and enduring support of arts in Batemans Bay through Perfex over the last 12 years and continuing.
Paul Biddlestone/BBay Soldiers Club for their ongoing support of Perfex and Arts in the local community

The Perfex Mission:
"To bring to completion the construction of a centre for the performing and visual arts, to meet the current and future needs of the Batemans Bay Community"
This is an opportunity for us to pass on what we know and learn more about what you want to know or care about in regards to the Mackay Park project, its ramifications and its possibilities.
The questions are,
Once it is built who will use it and what will they use it for?
What can we do now and in the future to make the MPark Arts Centre a thriving success?
What stage is it up to now?
At the moment our Council has done a lot of work and received $51 million from State and Federal grants for the whole of the proposed Mackay Park project (Indoor Aquatic and Visual and Performing Arts facilities). They have engaged architects, we have seen three concept plans and they are currently in the process of developing Concept ‘D’.
We want people to start envisaging the possibilities of the centre: for instance;
Kite flying festivals and workshops
Dance improvisation
Art classes and exhibitions
Making videos
Theatre arts training – lighting, sound, production, front of house
Music events – formal and informal
A south region ‘VIVID’ festival……
So please come along with some ideas.
The future of Perfex
Some people think there is no more work for Perfex to do, but this is certainly not so.
Perfex has been a consistent voice for the community in this endeavour and will continue to be so until our mission is complete.
And on the practical side, Perfex is following up on areas not yet finalised:
What is in it? The inclusions remain variable and of concern – for instance; art activity and gallery spaces, meeting rooms, other options such as recording studios
the size and scale of the facilities within the Arts complex are not yet clear: the size of the theatre is not what the grant was given for, for instance
the affordability of using the proposed new complex
the inclusion of community views so that the centre will become a viable and well- loved icon
ensuring we gain $51 million of benefits more than the facilities we already have in the Bay
ensuring the community embraces the possibilities of the new centre and that it is set up in a management way that makes this possible; that the local community is at its heart
$4 million has apparently already been spent on site practicalities such as geotech work and indigenous archaeology and $8.7 million has been set aside by Council for ‘strategic planning’ of the project (Council ‘planned spend’ document) over 2019-2020. We will follow up on what the breakdown of that is. And we will ask: ‘Is the whole project therefore only going to be able to use just over $38 million?’)
It’s not clear yet if the Arts section is to be
A quasi community centre,
a theatre centre (see Mayoral media release of Feb 2019 where there was NO mention of the visual or other arts than theatre and dance!)
an arts centre
an entertainment centre?
Following the Presentation/discussion Perfex will hold its AGM when all current committee members will be standing down, as per the Constitution. New or current committee members can now be nominated for the next financial year.
Please consider taking on one of these positions. They are volunteer positions and can take some of your personal time but it is a worthy reward to be involved in the committee and you can be assured that previous committee members will be there to assist. We meet as decided by the committee or circumstances, usually bi-monthly, depending on issues on hand.
If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact me and I shall pass your details to any of our committee members, or you can talk with them at the meeting.
Agenda overview of AGM:
To receive from the Committee a report on the activities of the organisation to date
To receive and consider the Financial Statement required to be submitted to members pursuant to Section 26(6) of the Associations Incorporation Act 1984
To confirm the minutes of the last AGM
To elect office-bearers and ordinary members of the Committee:
Vice President,
Treasurer and Public Officer,
Communications Officer, and
3 general Committee Members (for tasks such as media and Council watch; links and liaison with community and business, ad hoc/specific tasks relevant to the committee)
General Business: To decide the signatories for the Society’s Annual Return to the Department of Fair Trading.