The shortest day for the year has just gone and 40 starters in this evening’s run cannot wait for the days to get warmer and longer. We welcomed Darren Drewsen and Jordan Hatcher to their first run with the group. The Drewsen family filled the first three places in the 2 kilometres and I suspect the father Darren may have been closer to his children if not for a slip on the knotty path!
In the 2 kilometres personal best times were recorded by Erin Drewsen, Liliana Murphy, Regina Knobel, Max Richards, Evelyn Johnston and Andrea Scroope.
In the 5 kilometres the star was Qwen Gordon with 87 seconds personal best time. He credited this improvement to his new racing shoes!

Above: the start of this evening's run.
2 Kilometres
Luke Drewsen 7.39 Erin Drewsen 8.21 Darren Drewsen 9.10 Liliana Murphy 10.06 Angus Murphy 10.08 Audrey Knobel 10.12 Regina Knobel 10.12 Jordan Hatcher 11.16 Max Richards 11.17 Emily Dickinson 11.33 Bruce Dickinson 11.33 Evelyn Johnston 13.11 Andrea Scroope 13.12 Maureen Searson 20.15 Christina Murray 21.55 Jenny Pollock 21.55 Robyn Domeny 22.57 Ashlee Beby 25.44 Mitchell Beby 25.45 Erin Domeny 25.45 Michelle Beby 25.47
3.5 Kilometres
Paul Searson 21.54 Vicki Whitter 22.24 Gary Ashton 22.24 Julianne Domeny 23.45 Mike Kennedy 24.30 Robyn Kennedy 28.36 Peter Johnsen 33.01
5 Kilometres
Daniel Beby 19.03 Bede Webster 20.50 Matt Lambert 20.56 Dylan Van der Meulen 23.46 Andrew McPherson 23.46 Dave Connaughton 23.51 Jason Domeny 24.13 Owen Gordon 24.46 Garren Carnall 26.39 Yma Carnall 26.39 Deb Connaughton 27.29