All past and present players, sponsors, supporters and families are invited to join in on what is always a fantastic day on the Boars calendar, celebrating our rich indigenous history and current culture base. Saturday from 12:30-5:30 at Hanging Rock Sports Complex The day will include a free jumping castle, welcome to country and cultural dancing, a special design jersey telling a local indigenous story, a Grande Olde Boars v Wobbly Indigenous Gents game (some say this is the main event?) and of course the Boars Round 14 game v Yass Rams @2:30pm The Boars club encourage everyone and anyone to join them. If you have never seen aboriginal cultural dancing it is highly recommended that be there at 12:30, as the dances, led by some of the players, are very educational and fun for all the family. Special thanks to the days major sponsor Marymead