Observations of Council issues that might inform or amuse.

**************** The Beagle Editor
Well here we are 2021, the year of our Local Council elections.
The year when voters in the Eurobodalla Shire with elect nine individuals to represent all of us. The 2021 Councillor elections will begin in about eight months time.
Many of the shires residents and ratepayers, over this and the last term of council have expressed much concern and disappointment in the Council, those who were elected in good faith to represent the areas residents, ratepayers and voters.
The disappointment, being the result of a lack or no community involvement in the business of the shires residents, ratepayers and voters in a population approaching 40,000 people.
During the next seven or eight months those aspiring to get elected this year, to represent the shires residents at our shire Council, will need to get out and about amongst the shires residents and find out what it is they expect of honest hard working representatives.
The reality is though, an agenda and budget will be in place by the time the elections are concluded, endorsed by the present nine community elected representatives.
Allan Brown
Catalina NSW