Pamper Night
The last meeting of the Batemans Bay Evening View Club was on Wednesday 9 October at the Catalina Country Club. This night was our Pamper Auction night and we raised over $500 to go toward the Smith Family and the Learning for Life Program and the students that we sponsor. It was a fun night. All items were donated by members or friends and a big thank you for this. Our President Julie Teer was the Auctioneer.
On Saturday 21 September we also had our Soup and Sandwich Luncheon at the home of Jenny McCaskill. This was another of our fundraisers. Everyone enjoyed some delicious soup and an array of sandwiches as well as some yummy desserts. It was a relaxed time to enjoy the company of other women.
We also had a visit from our National Vice-President Pat McRae and Pat gave us news of the National Conference and the interesting speakers that were at the conference. It is always nice to have a visit
Nancy Carter and Ethel Gill celebrated their birthdays in October and they were presented with a chocolate from President Julie.
The next meeting of the Batemans Bay Evening View Club will be held on Wednesday 13 November 2019 at the Catalina Country Club at 6.00 pm for 6.30 pm with a two-course meal at a cost of $28.00.
Visitors and guests are always welcome to come and join everyone and enjoy an evening with women from all walks of life and listening to a great guest speaker.

Ethel Gill, Nancy Carter and President Julie giving them a chocolate for their birthdays

Items at the Pamper Auction

Soup and Sandwich Luncheion