The 10 kilometre hike for 15 Batemans Bay bushwalkers began at Australian National Universities’ property near Kioloa where, after a short talk by leader, Glenn Blunt was delivered, on the responsibilities that come with access to private land . That responsibility means always leaving gates exactly as you find them, either closed or open.
After crossing ANU’s land, hikers followed a gently rising forest track that soon had them feeling warmer. They were warmer still by the time they had climbed to the top or Don Moir Hill where the remnants of a WW11 Telegraph Station had the group musing about what perhaps, important part this historical building’s ruin had played in our nation’s defence system.
A rejuvenating cup of tea was enjoyed amongst lichen covered rock before continuing along a bush track that afforded glimpses of the coastline below before heading downward to a headland and then back to Racecourse Beach.
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Above: Walk leader Glenn Blunt [centre ] and fellow hiker Wendy Carpenter, adjusting her hat, examine the remains of a WW11 Telegraph Station at the top of Don Moir Hill.
**** This article first appeared on the Batemans Bay Bushwalking website
About the BATEMANS BAY BUSHWALKERS INC. First formed in 1985, we have about 200 members. We are not-for-profit and run by volunteers We are an Incorporated Association with a Constitution and a Committee to oversee administration Personal Accident, Public Liability and Associations Liability Insurance is funded by your annual subscriptions We publish 4 Walks Programs per year, with 2 walks a week of varying grades. Visitors are welcome on walks and are covered by our insurance for 3 walks per financial year Walks are led by volunteer Walk Leaders, who carry a GPS, topographic map, and when appropriate, a safety beacon. We take our safety seriously. Bushwalking is a risky business, accidents do happen, injuries do result. Each walk is graded for difficulty so that you can choose walks to suit your level of ability. Members and Visitors sign a Responsibility Waiver before each walk. We also get together for a variety of social activities and camps, but you have to be a Member to come along to those