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Writer's pictureThe Beagle

Bridge Over Clyde River At Nelligen On The Way

The new bridge over the Clyde River at Nelligen is one step closer, with contractor Seymour Whyte Constructions to start work early next year.

Minister for Regional Transport and Roads Paul Toole said the NSW Government has committed $148 million for construction of the bridge, which will provide safer and more reliable journeys on the Kings Highway at Nelligen.

“Following improvements made to the detailed design by Transport for NSW, the construction tender has been awarded to Seymour Whyte Constructions,” Mr Toole said.

“Site establishment and major construction is expected to start early next year with the new bridge built upstream of the existing bridge.”

Member for Bega Andrew Constance said the new bridge will have a 100-year bridge life and the project will provide improved urban design around the foreshore.

“This new bridge will see wider lanes and shoulders, an improved curve on the eastern side of the bridge, and safety barriers between the road and footpath,” Mr Constance said.

“Early work, including vegetation removal and the delivery of earth fill has already been completed along with utility relocation and now we are pushing on with construction.”

The new bridge is expected to be open to traffic by late 2023, weather permitting.

Work to remove the existing bridge will be carried out once the new bridge is complete and open to traffic.

For more information on the project, please visit

NOTE: Comments were TRIALED - in the end it failed as humans will be humans and it turned into a pile of merde; only contributed to by just a handful who did little to add to the conversation of the issue at hand. Anyone who would like to contribute an opinion are encouraged to send in a Letter to the Editor where it might be considered for publication

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