We are now into week 29 of the isolated Broulee Runners and Walkers. We will be back on Wednesday 14 October 2020 at 5PM with 5 kilometres run only. People will still be able to register a run over any of the three distances in their own time and location and have it registered.
There have been some impressive performances during this period with some breaking the 20-minute barrier in the 5 kilometres. Matt Lambert is the standout benefiting from the Tori Hennig Sunday training group. Tori often posts these Sunday runs on the Broulee Runners Facebook page.
We look forward to seeing Michelle Connor, Tess Klower and Anthony Smith coming back and doing their 30th run and receive their celebration T-shirt. Others, who have already achieved this mark, but because of the isolation have not received their shirt. They are Brock Gilligan, Angie Gannon, and Simon Wall. These shirts are sponsored by Judy and Damien Kennedy.
From the left Robyn, Mike, Samson, Mollie (with dog Vinnie) and Anthony.
Here are the results posted this week:
2 kilometres
Mollie Kennedy 7.56
Anthony Kennedy 7.58
Mike Kennedy 13.38
Victoria Fleming 20.35
Richard Fisher 21.07
Samson Kennedy 22.01
Emma Kennedy 22.02
3.5 Kilometres
David McCann 29.35
Paul Searson 35.21
5 Kilometres
Matt Lambert 19.45 Bede Webster 22.33 Dave Connaughton 24.30 Paige Connaughton 24.45 Michael Lambert 25.27 Ross Wilson 28.15 Deb Connaughton 28.38 Simon Wall 29.48 Morgan Pettit 32.46 Nev Madden 33.17 Jill Brown 33.34 Bernie Lambert 34.38 Robyn Kennedy 47.10 Kim Young 55.16