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Broulee vegetation clearing : getting to the crux

Writer: The BeagleThe Beagle

Last Tuesday saw alarms raised as Councillor Anthony Mayne drew the communities attention to the land clearing he was witnessing at Broulee Beach Estate

The Broulee community gathered on Sunday June 27th at the Broulee Fire Shed opposite the worksite to listen to members of the community and the Broulee Mossy Point Progress Association who were all shocked at what they were witnessing and in despair of the outcome of the clearing. At the heart of the matter is that the community were not aware that such carnage would be allowed as part of the development. Also at the heart of the matter was the extent of the clearing that many in the community firmly believe extends into community owned land.

Above: The community understand that the above orange section has been cleared. They refer to it as Community Land - but is it? In May 2021 The Beagle reported that Eurobodalla Council had announced that they were going to sell a triangle of land at the entrance to Broulee village ,advising the community that the land was classified "operational" and that they could sell the land without any further community consultation. Older members of the community dared to say "It isn't Operational, go back and do your due diligence and get back to us." Council did and discovered they had got it wrong advising the Broulee Mossy Point Progress Association on May 18th, 2021 : A search of Council records has revealed the Council resolution from 25 November 2003 for these parcels to be classified as Community Land. This classification was not reflected in Council's database of land classification. Council had been considering the use of this land in the belief it was operational land but its use is no longer under consideration given the above confirmation that it is community land. Council's database is being amended accordingly" THESE Parcels are defined in the adopted Plan of Management November 2003 below: NOTE that there are THREE parcels. Two titles of land an one Unformed Road Reserve.

Above: The Plan of Management was adopted that required, by motion, that Council staff organise the closure of the unformed road so that it could then be added to the Plan of Management as Community Land once the process was finished. The Council GIS and Six Maps indicate that the formal closure did not happen as the Unformed Road is shown as LO (Legal Only) and without delineated boundary.

While the instruction by Council in November 2003 to close the unformed road so that it could then be added to the Plan of Management as Community Land once the process was finished the fact of the matter is that that instruction remains and that the parcel identified as 3 was adopted as Community Land by intent and that intention remains. Eighteen years later, in May 2021, Eurobodalla Council announce that they were going to sell a triangle of land at the entrance to Broulee village ,advising the community that the land was classified "operational" and that they could sell the land without any further community consultation. In May 2021 the Council were proven to be wrong and that The Triangle was all community land, under by the adopted Plan of Management inclusive of the outstanding action to parcel 3. The Council revealed that they intended to sell the land. They were caught out. The question might be asked "To who would they sell that land? And why?" On the 15th of May Councillor Anthony Mayne stood beside a sign that indicated The Triangle was declared a LandCare project site.

On May 29th 2021 Clr Mayne said "Terrific to hear that your #broulee heavily treed 4 blocks of land, once managed by Landcare Australia, are Safe!"

Above: Now the community land is fenced off from the community on Clarke Street with the General Manager justifying it for "safety reasons". Would that be to ensure the community are not hurt when further clearing is carried out on Community Land that includes the Unformed Road Reserve identified in 2003 as Parcel 3.

Above: The Triangle was fenced off from the community before the clearing commenced.

Above and below: The Triangle and the Unformed Road Reserve shown as being well vegetated. Note that there is an open pedestrian access along the Unformed Road reserve (adopted as Community land in 2003 awaiting road closure by Council staff) between Broulee Road and Clarke Street.

Above: The community are outraged that the Unformed Road Reserve has been cleared. At the Council meeting of June 22nd 2021 (from the minutes): Councillor Anthony Mayne indicated that the Broulee/Mossy Point Community Association indicated that illegal clearing was being undertaken on the Corner of Clarke Street and Broulee Road in Broulee. The Mayor indicated that Council staff would investigate In fact the Mayor actually said "We will get you some information straight away from the director relevant" One week later Councillor Mayne, and the community, are still none the wiser.


NOTE: Comments were TRIALED - in the end it failed as humans will be humans and it turned into a pile of merde; only contributed to by just a handful who did little to add to the conversation of the issue at hand. Anyone who would like to contribute an opinion are encouraged to send in a Letter to the Editor where it might be considered for publication

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