One of our pre-Christmas events, “The Turkey Trot” with meat/poultry vouchers awarded for the first five placegetters in each Division. Turkey is traditional the most popular dish to be served on the festive table, however, is not necessarily every-ones’ choice, particularly the turkeys! Whatever your choice Ladies, congratulations to the Winners for well-earned rewards and many thanks to all the 74 Ladies who competed in the Stableford Event.
Division 1
Margaret Dickinson (7) 40 points
2nd Jenny Scullin (16) 39 points
3rd Oroya Mitchell (15) 38 points
4th Kathy Roe (19) 37 points
5th Mieke Van Doeland (24) 36 points
Division 2
1st Ruth Blake (25) 43 points
2nd Sue Charls-Hartley (31) 37 points
3rd Carol Gardner (30) 36 points 4th Portia L Dunn (25) on countback 34 points
5th Dawn A Smith (30) 34 points
Division 3
1st Kay Wallace (44) 39 points
2nd Jeanette McDermott (43) on countback 37 points
3rd Rona Simpson (33) 37 points
4th Helen Bunsell (36) 36 points
5th Lyn O’Toole (42) 34 points
Place Getters:
Twenty Ladies who scored 31 points (on countback) or more won a ball.