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Writer's pictureThe Beagle

Cheaper Child Care And Upgrades To Local Schools

From July, the cost of child care will be cut, delivering real cost-of-living relief for around 1.2 million families.

Most families with children in child care will receive more money back in their pockets through the Child Care Subsidy, including some who were previously not eligible.

For a family on about $120,000 with a child in care three days a week, the changes will cut costs by about $1,700 a year.

The Child Care Subsidy rates will lift to 90 per cent for families on a combined income of $80,000 or less.

For families with two or more children aged five or under in care, the higher subsidy of up to 95 per cent will remain.

In addition to the Cheaper Child Care, the Federal Government will deliver new funding for local schools to upgrade school infrastructure and equipment.

The School Upgrade Funding will see $233,810 invested in 10 Gilmore schools for laptops and tablets, air-conditioners and improved outdoor learning areas.

The Minister for Education, Jason Clare said, while touring the electorate with Federal Member for Gilmore, Fiona Phillips “From 1 July, child care will get cheaper for 4,800 families in the Gilmore electorate.

“Apart from the mortgage and rent, child care is the biggest bill that a lot of Australian families have to pay.

“Cheaper Child Care will help with cost-of-living pressures and make it easier for parents to return to paid work, or work more paid hours, if they want to.

“This is a practical measure that is good for children, good for parents and good for the country.

“The Government is delivering on its commitment to invest in our schools and provide safer classrooms, playgrounds, and facilities – and there is more to come.”

The Member for Gilmore, Fiona Phillips said “I hear about childcare almost every day when I’m out in the electorate, and I know local families are counting down the days until July as we look forward to more affordable, quality early education and care.

“Cheaper Childcare will bring real cost-of-living relief to many local families, and an opportunity for more families to work, grow and thrive in our wonderful community.”

NOTE: Comments were TRIALED - in the end it failed as humans will be humans and it turned into a pile of merde; only contributed to by just a handful who did little to add to the conversation of the issue at hand. Anyone who would like to contribute an opinion are encouraged to send in a Letter to the Editor where it might be considered for publication

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