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Climate Action Plan open for comment

On a day of heavy rain and flood threats – with 50,000 people across NSW put on evacuation notice – Eurobodalla’s Councillors endorsed the shire’s draft Climate Action Plan for 28 days public exhibition and comment yesterday.

Eurobodalla Mayor Mathew Hatcher commended members of the public who spoke to the draft Plan at Tuesday’s Council meeting, also thanking the many individuals, community groups and Council staff who worked together to draft this significant document.

“The draft Plan covers all facets of our lives – energy, water, waste, transport, biodiversity and the built environment,” Mayor Hatcher said.

“Just last month the latest Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change report noted the very high risk to Australia’s human and natural systems. Even as we speak, we’re seeing increasing extreme weather events across Australia and the world.”

Mayor Hatcher said it was vital to pull together.

“We must reduce our footprint, adapt to changing climate, and keep building resilience to ensure everyone – and particularly our most vulnerable communities – are looked after,” he said.

“The draft Plan is our commitment to net zero emissions across Council operations by 2040 and use of 100 per cent renewable energy sources by 2030. It also outlines how Council can work with our community and businesses to adapt to climate change.

“All up, there’s 56 different actions proposed; 39 for Council operations, 17 for Council to support of community and business. We want to know if you think this plan goes too far or not far enough.”

Eurobodalla has been recognised as a leader among regional councils when it comes to emissions reductions and the draft Plan is the latest document outlining Council’s response to climate change. From 2007 to 2017 Council implemented two consecutive Greenhouse Action Plans, and from 2017 to 2021 implemented the Emissions Reduction Plan. In 2020 Council and its insurer undertook a climate change risk assessment that pinpointed the next round of action, as outlined in the draft Plan.

Mayor Hatcher acknowledged the draft Plan’s 70 pages could make for heavy reading.

“For people less interested in the background and supporting information, we’ve also created an easy-to-read 13-page summary of the 56 proposed actions,” he said.

Find the draft Eurobodalla Climate Action Plan 2022-32 and accompanying summary document at

Above: Nelligen Creek Road in flood yesterday as Eurobodalla’s councillors endorsed public exhibition of the draft Climate Action Plan.

NOTE: Comments were TRIALED - in the end it failed as humans will be humans and it turned into a pile of merde; only contributed to by just a handful who did little to add to the conversation of the issue at hand. Anyone who would like to contribute an opinion are encouraged to send in a Letter to the Editor where it might be considered for publication

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