Bowls Organiser David Thomas and Vice President Jan Shalders welcomed 40 bowlers on a very warm but quite windy day to keep us all on our toes.
Jan did an amazing job taking over proceedings, although David had something to say as Jan had her name down twice on bowls sheet !!
Jan asked everyone to keep in touch with any of our ladies on the sick list.
Although our esteemed President Sue Beavan is away at present she will be celebrating her Birthday this week , so all sent her best wishes on a special card.
Winners on Rink 12, Shirley Edwards, Helen Rees and Nancy White.
Runners-up Rink 9, Tricia Wheeler, Gayl Vidgen and Rae Fayle.
Lucky Losers also on Rink 9, Judy Armstrong, Sonia Frey and Olga Geshwend.
Other winning teams, Robyn Butcher and Yvonne Huddleston in a pairs game.
Pat Biddolph, Bev Keatley and Paula Hancock. Janet McKay, Raija Johnston and Sue Morgan. Sharon Cutmore, Colleen Ashby and Noleen Taylor. Anna Stewart, Joan Rimmer and Alison Innes.
Lucky number winners, 24, Fran Lucas, 38, Anna Stewart.
Money Club winners, 2, Pat Weekes, 23, Gayl Vidgen.
Dates to remember, Thursday 2nd March , District Triples Carnival.
Tuesday 7th March, Club Pairs Championship.
Thursday/ Friday 9th/10th March , District Challenge at Club Tuross.

Runners-up & Lucky Losers. Olga Geshwend, Gayl Vidgen, Rae Fayle, Judy Armstrong, Tricia Wheeler, Sonia Frey.