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Club Malua Women's Bowls Report

Writer's picture: The BeagleThe Beagle

President Sue Beavan and Bowls Organiser David Thomas welcomed 44 ladies, on a very warm and windy day. Lovely to see Jeanette Roberts, Joan Fitzroy and Patron Dorothy Stewart out on the green once again.

Cards called for a Versatility format where each team member bowls in each position. Winners on Rink 11, Bev McKague, Joan Rimmer and Rae Fayle.

Runners-up Rink 9, Connie Anderson, Shirley Edwards and Noleen Taylor.

Lucky Losers Rink 11, Janet McKay, Marlou Rollinson and Lyn Hardy.

Other winning teams, Rosie Rayner, Gwen Ware and Paula Hancock who bowled

some fantastic shots making it hard for the opposition to get close to the Jack.

Gloria Harper, Jean Beeley, Sue Morgan. Pat Biddolph, Gayl Vidgen, Tania Calder.

Judy Armstrong, Raija Johnston and Ellie Crompton. Sharon Cutmore, Robyn Butcher, Sonia Frey and Karen Signor. Sue Congratulated David, Jay Breust and Shane Quinliven selected to represent Zone 7.

Birthday greetings to Judy Armstrong. Money club winners, Pat Biddolph , Rae Fayle.

A Special General Meeting was held to vote on Life membership for Robyn Butcher.

Robyn was nominated by Shirley Edwards and Seconded by Judy Davis.

In December 2007 Robyn joined Club Malua Women's Bowls and since then has served

on many committees needed to run a successful club. Firstly on Social committee then

as Vice-President for 4 years , on Selection committee then as Chair of Selection.

Robyn was President when Club Malua was burnt down in the horrific bushfires.

At this time she showed Leadership and Caring also was the voice of our Ladies Club

in the media. Robyn represented Club Malua on District committees on Match then as

Vice-President before taking on the position of President. As an Umpire she devoted time as an Umpire Educator training new Umpires also helping on events and Tournaments.

Lastly Robyn served on the Board of the Club for 10 years representing the ladies club.

As you can see Robyn has served Club Malua tirelessly and to be nominated as a Life

Member is well deserved. Congratulations on being grated Life membership unanimously.

Robyn responded with grateful thanks saying it has been an honour in serving our Club.

Robyn Butcher receiving Life Membership Badge from President Sue Beavan .

Winners, Bev McKague, Rae Gayle, Joan Rimmer.


NOTE: Comments were TRIALED - in the end it failed as humans will be humans and it turned into a pile of merde; only contributed to by just a handful who did little to add to the conversation of the issue at hand. Anyone who would like to contribute an opinion are encouraged to send in a Letter to the Editor where it might be considered for publication

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