President Sue Beavan and Bowls Organiser David Thomas welcomed 37 ladies on another lovely Sunny day, although a little windy at times to keep us on our toes. Great to see Janet McKay back on the green as well as our fabulous greenkeeper Adam, both back in good health.
Robyn Butcher now has the title of Bowls Educator and will give a talk each week on the Rules and Etiquette of bowls which will help any new bowlers particularly, plus a refresher for others.
Winners Rink 8, Tricia Wheeler, Lisa Grice, Nancy White, Skip Nancy put in some fabulous shots.
Runners-up Rink 9, Connie Anderson, June Williams, and Paula Hancock.
Rink 10, Janet McKay and Helen Rees sharing a half game with Bev Keatly and Olga Geshwend.
Lucky Losers Rink 12, Wendy Geary, Joan Rimmer and Kim Giannasca. Other winning teams, Sue Palmer, Bev Feehan and Margaret Bridges. Carmel Price, Lyn Hardy and Noleen Taylor. Robyn Butcher, Jan Shalders and Rae Fayle.
Money Club winners on 33 Janet McKay, 26 Tricia Wheeler .
Happy Birthday wishes to Lyn Hardy and Sue Palmer who will celebrate this weekend.
Congratulations to Jeanette and Kevin Roberts who celebrate their 60th Wedding Anniversary.

Winners, Tricia Wheeler, Lisa Brice, Nancy White .

Runners-up in State Reserve Fours Championship . Peter Guthrie, Darren White, Murray O'Bryan, Peter Hutchinson