MORUYA Probus Club will hold its annual meeting on March 24. As usual at such yearly meetings there will be no guest speaker, but anyone interested in seeing what goes on at the Club’s meeting, and maybe thinking of joining, will be most welcome.
Probus is not a fund-raising group, nor does it undertake projects in the same way as does its parent club, Rotary. Nor are members required to stand up and speak.
It is a means by which people or more or less similar interests may meet, socialise and hear interesting guest speaker. It is aimed at retired professional and business people…hence ProBus.
There was some discussion of the annual meeting at the March meeting of the committee, held at Moruya Golf on Tuesday. Apart from the election of officers, members were told, there would have to be some decisions on a proposal to change the name of the Club to “Probus Club of Moruya”, leaving out “Combined”, and to increase the annual membership fee from $25 to $35.
Moruya Probus meets at Moruya Golf Club at ten-o’clock on the fourth Tuesday of each month.
There are many advantages to being a member of Probus. Apart from meeting new friends, and sometimes some old ones, there are opportunities of being involved in outings. There are discounts for some members with restaurants and hotels and more reasonable travel insurance rates that seniors may otherwise be offered.
Anyone considering membership should call President Diane Montgomerie on 4471 8629. Or turn up at a meeting.