Council is proposing to reclassify the community land at Pretty Point, Malua Bay (specifically Lot 1110 DP 236653, 35-37 Illabunda Drive, Malua Bay) for subdivision and sale for residential purposes.
They say:
There are eleven (11) sites proposed to be reclassified. Seven (7) small sites that adjacent property owners who wish to purchase for private open space.
Three (3) sites are recommended to be reclassified and sold by Council’s Open Space and Recreation Strategy because they are considered surplus to public need. One (1) site relating to land with existing Council infrastructure on a public reserve. This site is not proposed to be sold. The purpose of the reclassification is to recognise and facilitate the existing operational use of that portion of the land for infrastructure purposes.
After public exhibition, there will be a public hearing. Details of the public hearing will be shared on Council’s website, emailed to everyone who makes a submission, letters to adjacent landholders and advertised in the local newspaper. Council will consider all submissions and the public hearing report before deciding about whether to proceed and forward their decision to the NSW Government. The NSW Minister for Planning is the Local Plan Making Authority for this planning proposal.
Local Maddy Norton says "In Council’s own words, ‘this land was dedicated to Council as open space’ and was gifted to the community back in 1966 with the intent of it remaining as open space.
"In 1995, a busload of councillors stood on this site and SWORE to residents that Council would NOT be selling the public reserve. Ten years later, Council made a written statement advising that in October 2005, they decided to ‘leave this reserve classified for community use. It will not be reclassified to operational land, nor will it be sold’.
"Every time this land has come up for reclassification, the community has strongly objected, and we do so again now.
"Council refers to Eurobodalla’s Recreation and Open Space Strategy 2018 to justify their draft proposal to reclassify the space. Yet this same strategy specifically states that ‘Open space plays a major role in improving community health, both physical and mental, stimulating economic growth and influencing property values’.
"The only responsible option to achieve this is to accept the community’s wishes and leave the space alone.
"Please help our community preserve this precious space, and make a submission to Council objecting their Draft. You can do so by writing directly to the Eurobodalla Shire Council at PO Box 99, Moruya NSW 2537, emailing or by making an online submission here:

Further reading: Pretty Point residents meet with councillors over proposed council land grab of a local reserve Council moves ahead with intention to sell public reserves in Broulee, Malua Bay and Sth Durras