Moruya Mail posted this statement from Andrew Constance MP made today (October 3rd 2021) in regards to his resignation from NSW Parliament as the Member for Bega and his aspirations to compete against Fiona Phillips MP for the Federal seat of Gilmore.
Mr Constance will resign as Transport and Roads Minister this week and it is understood he will resign as the Member for Bega by the end of the year.
Karen Barlow of ACM reports that Prime Minister Scott Morrison has welcomed the move saying:
"I warmly welcome Andrew Constance's decision to seek endorsement to be part of our federal Liberal team as our Liberal Candidate for Gilmore.
"Andrew has an outstanding local reputation and a great deal to offer at the federal level, especially given his experience in the NSW Government. He tells it straight and would make a great member of our team."
Video courtesy of Moruya Mail