In a Question on Notice to be handed down at tomorrow's (July 13th, 2021) Council meeting Clr Anthony Mayne has sought to establish exactly who gave permission for the Broulee clearing and was was an environmental impact study out? If so can you please provide a copy
The Question asks "Based on what I have seen and based on the communication and promises made to the Broulee community over the development of this land I have grave concerns for what lies ahead in Dalmeny. Can you please advise what processes, checks and balances Council intends to put in place to ensure the decimation being witnessed in Broulee will not be repeated."
The question continues "It appears that the community are ill informed of the extent of environmental impact of these developments and given the minimum allowable sizes and the justification of tree removal in proximity to a house and allowable APZ the reality appears that this is what we can come to expect in Rosedale, Mossy Point, Dalmeny and any of our coastal zones identified for Urban Expansion.
#allkindsofnatural ??
#naturecoast ???
#allkindofclearinginthenameofprogress more like
Council has provided an extensive response offering a ream of reports that fail to answer the questions around the Broulee vegetation removal.
Council staff have attempted to suggest that the Broulee Mossy Point Community Association President welcomed the removal because they made a submission to the 2017 Broulee Planning Proposal, stating ‘Council’s demonstrated engagement with the community is acknowledged and welcomed’.
The bottom line is that within the thirty page response Council has refused to answer who gave permission for the Broulee clearing of the land identified in 2003 to be classified as Community and added to the Plan of Management of Broulee Reserves and was they have failed to offer any evidence that an environmental impact study out?
Council staff they then provided a further thirty pages of material regarding the proposed Rosedale subdivision:
"Based on what I have seen and based on the communication and promises made to the Broulee community over the development of this land I have grave concerns for what lies ahead in Dalmeny. Can you please advise what processes, checks and balances Council intends to put in place to ensure the decimation being witnessed in Broulee will not be repeated?"
Reading that material we can expect Rosedale, Dalmeny and Tuross Head to be equally razed to the ground.
The Council meeting can be watched via the webcast: