Tomorrow’s Council meeting will see a decision on the renewal of the five-year licence for Moruya Rodeo to operate on Moruya Showground. Here’s a link to the agenda and business paper Agenda of Ordinary Meeting - Tuesday, 28 March 2023 (
Sixteen people have registered to speak in Public Forum both for and against the licence renewal. One further speaker has registered to present on the Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure Strategy, also on tomorrow’s agenda.
So there is enough time to hear from all registered speakers, Public Forum will start at 9am rather than the usual 10.30am.
Doors to the Chamber will open at 8.30am for Public Access to start at 8.45am, also earlier than usual. There are two speakers for Public Access on matters unrelated to the rodeo.
Public Forum then starts at 9am and we expect it will continue, without break, until around midday. The Council Meeting will start at usual time, 12.30pm. All registered presenters have been contacted personally about the change in time.
Watch online or join in the Chamber.
Council are expecting a crowd and have set up an overflow seating area.