Eurobodalla Council provides ready access to development proposals that have been approved, or are on exhibition for community members to view and provide their feedback. For information on how to make a submission, download the ‘Making a submission factsheet’ within the proposal’s related documents. You will find the FULL current list of pending and approved on Council's website HERE
Track a development Proposal on Exhibition Council may notify a Development Application (DA) where the proposal:
is considered to have a potential impact on adjoining and adjacent properties, or
does not meet a standard in the acceptable solutions of the Development Control Plan (DCP).
Community members can view these proposals and give feedback online during the exhibition period at:
View development proposals on exhibition: notifications
Council must notify and exhibit a DA in line with the:
Community Engagement Strategy (1.0 MB). How to lodge a submission
During the exhibition period, community members can give feedback about a proposal. They can do this by making an online submission to Council:
Find the development proposal you want to make a submission about on Council's DA tracker.
Click on the DA number (application ID).
Read the 'Making a submission fact sheet' at the bottom of the page.
Click on the 'Lodge submission' button.
Complete the submission, upload any documents and click on the 'Submit' button.
The assessing officer will review any submissions received and may ask the applicant to respond to the issues raised. This will occur before the assessing officer determines the application.