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Writer's pictureThe Beagle

Dalmeny Narooma Bushwalking News

Photo : Pedro Rock Pedro Point lunch spot for walkers.

18 Dalmeny Narooma Bushwalkers awoke up to a lovely winters morning on Thursday 18th July. They all met up at the Surf Club Moruya South Head for a 9.5km medium walk with leader Jan Thomas.  After a quick ring around count, which they always do, the walkers headed west, then south up a steepish hill to the track which was an old easement named Heinz Road, there is even a sign naming the road!  Of course it is all overgrown now, and the walkers made their way down this easement which led them past properties.  After about 1km they located the track which leads to Pedro Point, lovely open forest with she oaks, swamp mahogany, banksias and spotted gum amongst the many trees on show.  After a few more kilometres the walkers emerged onto Pedro Point Road, then after a short bush bash they made their way out to Pedro Point and the beach.  Here the walkers enjoyed lunch around the one rock called Pedro Rock, and Jan told them a little pig story. “In 1897 the steamboat Kameruka was wrecked here, someone on board got the idea of attaching a rope to one of the pigs in the hope that it would swim ashore. No one was sure that pigs could even swim but it was worth a try. Several times a rope was attached to a pig, which struck off for the shore. Several times the rope broke but eventually a pig with rope attached made it to land, everyone on board was saved”.  A nice story watching the waves and keeping an eye open for whales.  After lunch they walked along the beach as it was low tide back to the cars.  For more information on the club go to

NOTE: Comments were TRIALED - in the end it failed as humans will be humans and it turned into a pile of merde; only contributed to by just a handful who did little to add to the conversation of the issue at hand. Anyone who would like to contribute an opinion are encouraged to send in a Letter to the Editor where it might be considered for publication

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