“End of the Line” was the competition subject for the August meeting of the Eurobodalla Photographic Club. Many thanks to Mick Newnham, our judge for the evening, who provided a detailed critique of the entries before selecting the winning entries.
Monthly Competition Awards for August 2022
Colour images. Gold Awards
Nowhere to Go Ken Foster
Train line to Nowhere Dianne Gee
Worms End Brian O’Leary
Colour Images, Silver Awards
A Peaceful End Ken Foster
Dead End Road Robyn Isaacson
End of Railway Line Jeanette Robben
Gone Brian O’Leary
Oyster Rack Remains Brian Gunter
Mono Images. Gold Award
Fire Damage Mogo Jeanette Robben
Mono Images Silver Award
Disused Bridge George Cook
Image Of The Night
A Peaceful End Ken Foster
The technical topic for the evening was “Image sharpening techniques using Photoshop Elements”, presented by Colin Pass. This was followed by a David Maltby’s
presentation of his own photographic journey, illustrated with a collection of his personal images. Many thanks to Colin and David.
The Eurobodalla Photographic Club meets at Tomakin Community Hall, Ainslie Pde, Tomakin 7.00pm on the 4th Tuesday of each month except December. Visitors are always welcome