“Well over 1000 people attended the SHASA EV Day – Electrify Everything Expo, held on Sunday 12 March. Amazingly, we had 40 electric vehicles at Hanging Rock, including 18 all-electric car models and four hybrids” said SHASA President, Kathryn Maxwell.
“30 people were able to test drive an electric vehicle thanks to ActewAGL. I also got to test drive an electric BMW, which was a real buzz, as I normally drive a Nissan Leaf,” said Kathryn Maxwell.
“A big thank you to Mayor Matt Hatcher who arrived in the Mayoral Tesla 3 to jointly open the event. With the very low maintenance and running costs and lots of km travelled, Matt's decision to go with an electric car was a very economical one,” said Kathryn Maxwell.
Matt Hatcher said the Council is keen to do what it can to increase the number of fast chargers in the Eurobodalla, so that we are an EV-tourist-friendly destination. Matt noted that - once a Tesla home charger was installed at his place - 80-90% of his charging is done at home.
Fiona Philips, Federal Member for Gilmore, informed the crowd that the National Electric Vehicle Strategy will be launched very soon and will include more measures to accelerate the uptake of electric vehicles. The removal of the fringe benefits tax from electric car fleets will make leasing electric cars a very cost-effective option. The removal of the luxury tax on most electric cars has helped to make them cheaper. The Federal Government will also ensure that there is a network of electric car fast chargers on major highways at maximum 150 km intervals.
Kathryn Maxwell said that “back in October 2022, at the first SHASA EV Day, 3.8% of vehicles in Australia were electric, in February this had shot up to 6.8%. The benefits of electric cars include being fun to drive, very powerful, cheaper to run and maintain, healthier (no poisonous exhaust gases) and quieter in urban areas”.
"There were also lots of test drives of electric bikes, electric scooters, electric lawn mowers and all-terrain vehicles on the day".
For those who missed out, SHASA will be running EV Test drives during the year at the various markets around the Eurobodalla.
The event was only made possible by the Event Coordinator Robert Creed, the generous help of dozens of volunteers and sponsorship from Horizon Bank, Tec Exec, Micro Energy Systems Australia, Betta Electrical Batemans Bay, Moruya Golf Club, Batemans Bay Soldiers Club and Catalina Club.

Photos: Fiona Phillips MP