The Far South Coast Group of the CWA of NSW were very pleased to win the State Handicraft Trophy once again & especially for the Centenary of CWA of NSW.
We would like to remind all members that the Group Council meeting takes place next Monday,1st August at 9:30am for 10:00am at the Cobargo Branch rooms. Don't forget if you are not holding a position as an Officer to Group you can always come as an observer to the Group Council meetings so you know what takes place at these meetings.
Also a reminder that our Cultural,International Agricultural Day (CIA Day) takes place on Monday 15th August at Cobargo School of Arts Hall so we are looking forward to seeing all the acts for our Cultural Section of the day & having a lunch of Latvian food.

Above: L-R Group President Lynn Lawson handing the State Handicraft Trophy to the Group Handicraft Officer Rhonda Byrnes. The Far South Coast Group won this at the recent CWA of NSW Centenary Conference.