While most people look forward to Christmas, some dread it. It is an expense they simply can’t afford.
And for those who are alone, Christmas day lunch for one is not a particularly pleasant thought.
If you or someone you know is likely to miss out on having an enjoyable Christmas lunch, the Combined Churches of Batemans Bay is offering a 3 course Community Christmas day lunch for those in need or who are alone on Christmas day.
And it is all free.
Every year the Community Christmas Day lunch is organized and catered for by a dedicated group of volunteers, and generously funded by some of our local supermarkets, local business, clubs and the Combined Churches of Batemans Bay. In previous years the lunch caters for over 120 people and this year we are expecting to cater for up to 140 guests.
And for the guests the Community Christmas Day Lunch is everything that a Christmas day lunch should be – a full 3 course lunch with an entre of prawns followed by a main course of chicken, ham and/or turkey and salad, with Christmas pudding, custard and cream, and soft drinks, tea and coffee in between. And there are gifts and shopping vouchers for all who attend. Young and old, singles, families, couples and kids are all invited.
This is the real spirit of Christmas – joining together to make this a special day to make sure everyone gets to enjoy Christmas day – especially those who have struggled in recent years.
The Combined Churches Christmas Day Lunch is a great team effort. The day would not be possible without the generous funding and supplies provided by some of our local supermarkets, businesses, clubs and the Combined Churches, to whom we are eternally grateful.
We are also blessed with a small team of volunteers who work for several months to arrange funding and supplies, then a number of volunteers who give up their day on Christmas day to greet and transport guests, prepare and serve on the tables, keep the soft drinks, tea and coffee flowing on the day, and play Santa and his helper to distribute gifts and shopping vouchers to all the guests.
The Community Christmas Day Lunch is run at the Salvation Army Hall and the Anglican Church in Batemans Bay.
For those without transport, or who would prefer to have their Christmas Day Lunch at home, we have a courtesy bus and can provide home deliveries.
If you or your family are struggling to afford a Christmas Day Lunch and would like to join us for this special day, we would love to hear from you.
Bookings are essential to assist with catering, so please book early. Please call the Salvation Army in Batemans Bay on (02) 4472 9644 by 18 December.