The Batemans Bay Evening View Club had an enjoyable meeting on Wednesday 10 August 2022. Our meeting was held at the Batemans Bay Soldiers Club and we had a good number of ladies enjoy a delicious meal before listening to our guest speaker.
Our Guest speaker was Ian Aitken from the Rural Fire Service. Ian spoke on the new Australian Fire Danger Rating System being introduced Australia wide on 1 September 2022. It will be an improved and simplified system to make it easier for people to make decisions to stay safe on days of fire danger risk.
The new ratings are Moderate – Plan and Prepare, High – Get Ready to Act, Extreme – Take Action Now, Catastrophic – Leave Bushfire Risk Areas. Ian also spoke to the group about having Fire Plans and being ready for the coming season. Bush Fire Plans were handed out to the group. Vice-President Loretta thanked Ian for his presentation and presented him with a small gift of appreciation.

Earlier in the evening Vice-President Loretta presented Jenny McCaskill with a long service badge. Jenny has been a member of View for 30 years and volunteered a lot of her time to our View Club over the years at meetings, fundraisers and other events and has held executive positions. Congratulations to Jenny for the number of years with our organisation and all your good work.

Vice President Loretta also presented a chocolate to Leslie Handley and Di Gee to celebrate their birthdays.

The monthly meetings are held at the Batemans Bay Soldiers Club. The next meeting of the Batemans Bay Evening View Club will be held on Wednesday 14 September 2022 at the Batemans Bay Soldiers Club 6.00 pm for 6.30 pm at a cost of $25.00. Visitors and guests are always welcome to come and join everyone and enjoy an evening with women from all walks of life and listening to a great guest speaker. Our guest speaker for September will be Dave Kemp to speak about photography. For all enquiries please contact Julie on 0408 215 553 or Anita on 0447 114 198.
On the Saturday 30 July 2022 our club had a fundraiser with the BBQ at Bunnings. This is a wonderful part of our fundraising for The Smith Family Learning for Life Program. The Batemans Bay Evening View Club sponsors 5 students fully and 1 student partially (with our Region) and to do this we need to raise about $4000 each year. We also support the Smith Family Toy and Book Appeal each year with about $500. The Smith Family Toy and Book Appeal aims to deliver over 75,000 new toys and 50,000 new books to children in need around Australia.

VIEW stands for Voice, Interests and Education of Women and supports the Smith Family and the Learning for Life Program and helping young Australians in need to get the most out of their education. The club was established in 1997 for women interested in meeting regularly with other women from all walks of life, providing them with an outlet to help others, as well as establishing lasting friendships and contributing to the community. We will be celebrating 60 years of VIEW in Australia in May with a function at the Soldiers Club.