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Haemochromatosis Week. Do you know your iron levels?

Writer: The BeagleThe Beagle

Carlene F. sent an email in today saying " I thought this may interest you and the Beagle readers. It is Haemochromatosis week in Australia starting tomorrow. This hereditary disease affects 1 in 200 Australians and over 100,000 people have it in Australia. It not only effects those who have it but also their families. Genetics is really interesting.

"I was diagnosed yesterday with a high iron reading of 904 - it should be 200!!! Luckily I have been diagnosed before any symptoms or adverse blood results.

"I will be starting the venipuncture course of treatment next week to bring my levels down to 100. The joy of joys - needles and blood taking :(

"The only reason I went to the doctor was I turned 70yrs old in February, and my family were hassling me as I never go to the doctor unless absolutely necessary. This has shown me that regular checkups may be a good idea when one gets older.

"Hope you don't mind this bit of a personal story - I am happy to share it for Haemochromatosis Week. Thank you Carlene - what follows should be enough information to inform

In the first week of June each year Australia Haemochromatosis Org joins with members of Haemochromatosis International, the international alliance of haemochromatosis support groups, to create a worldwide, coordinated haemochromatosis awareness campaign in each member country. Using all forms of media, displays, and other activities, this week is an opportunity to focus attention on haemochromatosis and the risk of inherited iron overload. The key messages of the week are:

  • Haemochromatosis is the most common genetic disorder in Australia

  • If you are the 1 in 200 affected, it can cause serious health problems

  • Ask your doctor to find out if you are storing too much iron

Hereditary haemochromatosis (inherited iron overload disorder) is the most common genetic disorder in Australia. About 1 in 200 people of northern European origin have the genetic risk for haemochromatosis. People with the condition absorb too much iron from their diet. The excess iron is stored in the body and over time this leads to iron overload. We all know that not enough iron causes health problems but few realise that for some, too much iron is also a problem. If undetected and untreated, the excess iron can cause organ or tissue damage and can potentially result in premature death. Haemochromatosis tends to be under-diagnosed, partly because its symptoms are similar to those caused by a range of other illnesses. Both sexes are at risk from haemochromatosis. Women tend to develop the condition later in life because of blood loss during child bearing years. However some women will develop symptoms at an early age.

The good news is that if haemochromatosis is detected before damage occurs, it can be easily treated and is no barrier to a happy and successful life. Absorption of iron

Iron is a vital trace element that we get from our daily diet. The body is finely tuned to take in only as much iron as it needs. Red blood cells contain the protein haemoglobin, which carries oxygen around the body. Iron is needed for the production of haemoglobin. The human body has no method of getting rid of excess iron. It controls iron levels by absorbing just the right amount of iron from our food. Any excess is stored in organs and joints in the body. Haemochromatosis can affect the body’s ability to regulate iron absorption and can lead to too much iron being taken up and stored. It is this excess iron which can cause harm. Effects of iron overload

The body typically stores around one gram or less of iron. However, a person with haemochromatosis absorbs a great deal more iron from their food than is necessary. Iron stores of five grams or more can build up inside the body. Organs such as the liver, heart and pancreas can be affected and ultimately damaged. Without treatment, haemochromatosis can cause premature death. For people with haemochromatosis the excess iron stored in the organs and joints increases gradually over many years. If untreated, the liver can become enlarged and damaged, leading to serious diseases such as cirrhosis or liver cancer. It can also cause other health problems including heart disease, diabetes, endocrine and sexual dysfunction and arthritis. DIAGNOSIS

Hereditary haemochromatosis is diagnosed by simple blood tests. Your doctor may order the tests if your symptoms indicate haemochromatosis is possible or if you become aware a close relative has been diagnosed with the condition. Parents, brothers, sisters and children of people diagnosed with haemochromatosis should be tested. However it is not necessary to test children before their late teens unless symptoms develop early. Lots more INFO Here


NOTE: Comments were TRIALED - in the end it failed as humans will be humans and it turned into a pile of merde; only contributed to by just a handful who did little to add to the conversation of the issue at hand. Anyone who would like to contribute an opinion are encouraged to send in a Letter to the Editor where it might be considered for publication

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