The Eurobodalla Council General Manager, Dr Catherine Dale, was delivered an email this morning clearly advising her of a breach to Council's Local Government Elections (caretaker provisions) Procedures.
The breach is in for form of "material" posted to the Member for Bega, Andrew Contance's facebook page in the form of a video.
Above: Note the Eurobodalla logo on Rob Pollock's shirt. The pair are discussing a topic that has no relevance to Council yet Rob Pollock is introduced as Councillor and the discussion infers Rob's support of a thought bubble that implies Council support by association. Given the discussion is of a possible community facility both would benefit in a positive way from anyone watching and considering supporting carer accommodation for the new hospital. Either at a local level or potential a Federal level. It is electioneering. The General Manager's attention was first drawn to the fact that Rob Pollock is wearing a shirt with the Eurobodalla Shire logo. It is a large embroidered logo and evident for the entire duration of the video.
Her attention was then drawn to the time stamp of the video being 19:43pm November 5th 2021.
The email that arrived on the General Manager's desk reminded her that, by Council's own Local Government Elections (Caretaker Period provisions) Procedure that (Page 4 of 9)
The caretaker period will commence at 12.01am on Friday 5 November until 6.00pm on Saturday 4 December 2021
The image provided to her above (and video link) was taken after 12:01am on Friday November 5th. This is also evident because Andrew Constance clearly posts "Great to be in Moruya TODAY with COUNCILLOR Rob Pollock..."
The General Manager was then invited to watch the video in order to learn that that the topic of conversation between Constance and Pollock has nothing to do with Council. In fact the topic of conversation is nothing more than a thought bubble.
The General Manager was advised by The Beagle that the video is considered, by those who have seen it, as an opportunity for both to canvas. The email on her desk from The Beagle this morning said: "Andrew Constance was using the video to repair damage over the latest Labor moves in regards to the new Regional Hospital and the outcry that it will not be Level 4 on opening day - and Rob Pollock needed a platform to electioneer choosing to "announce" an intention to begin encouraging fundraising by clubs and groups for a project he declared that he will "Head Up".
"I remind you that this video thought bubble has nothing to do with Council yet Andrew Constance introduces Councillor Rob Pollock and that Rob has his shirt and Council logo on display, possibly to give the "announcement" some credibility.
The General Manager was reminded:
Under the Eurobodalla Local Government Elections (Caretaker Period provisions), 2.2 Council Resources:
Given that Councillor Pollock is still a Eurobodalla councillor until December 4th and the above video has him attired in Council issued branded Corporate Clothing it may be found that there is due reason to raise a formal Code of Conduct complaint with the Office of Local Government to determine if he is in breach.
The General Manager, on seeing the evidence, was expected to advise Mr Constance of the breach that has Rob Pollock displaying a Council Logo and appearing to represent Council during the Caretaker Period contrary to Council's (and the Office of Local Government) rules as described in the Local Government Elections (Caretaker Period provisions). Given a full working day to see the video removed the General Manager appears to have either: failed to approach the Local member, or to have been ignored by the local member. The video, as a marketing tool, is still posted as at 4:52pm November 8th, 2021
Has the Eurobodalla General Manager failed to intervene on an electioneering breach? As we are in Caretaker mode only the General Manager can act. The next port of call might well be the Minister for Local Government and the Shadow Minister. More to come.