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Writer's pictureThe Beagle

In an emergency everyone needs a Toby

Fire and Rescue NSW Station 217 Batemans Bay report that they were called to assist local ambulance and rescue crew members with help from a very good doggo "Just after 11:20am today we were called to Wimbie Beach Walking Track to assist a NSW Ambulance crew carry out a patient with a knee injury. "We worked alongside Surf Beach Rural Fire Brigade and Fire and Rescue NSW Station 384 Moruya using a stokes litter and a mule device to transport our patient to the awaiting ambulance. "We wish our patient a quick recovery and we hope Toby gets to enjoy some treats after being a very good boy!"

Have you installed the Emergency+ Smartphone application?

Important – if there is no mobile coverage on any network, you will not be able to reach the Emergency Call Service via a mobile telephone​​.

Emergency+ is a free application developed by Australia's emergency services and industry partners. The application works across Australia, using GPS functionality built into smartphones to help a Triple Zero (000) caller provide critical location details required to mobilise emergency services. First launched in 2013, the application has been downloaded more than 2.2 million times and has provided assistance to people facing an emergency. Location accuracy is critical information for Triple Zero (000) call takers. The quicker an accurate location is established, the sooner emergency services can be dispatched and render assistance. With the vast majority of Triple Zero (000) calls originating from mobile telephones today, the Emergency+ application is a vital Government initiative to improve public safety and emergency service response times.​

NOTE: Comments were TRIALED - in the end it failed as humans will be humans and it turned into a pile of merde; only contributed to by just a handful who did little to add to the conversation of the issue at hand. Anyone who would like to contribute an opinion are encouraged to send in a Letter to the Editor where it might be considered for publication

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