Find out how you could win $650 for First Place, $450 Second Place and $250 for Peoples Choice.
July 29, RfR Training Room, Bodalla, 10am – 3pm. Free, lunch included. Register here.
August 12, Art Central, Moruya, 10am – 2pm. Free, lunch included. Register here.

We love a collaboration for a great cause and have teamed up with Repurposing for Resilience (RfR) to create Luminous Lanterns from plastic and textile waste. The whole community is invited to join in our two free workshops in July and August. The lanterns will be installed at our festival finale, Luminous: Celebrating Place at Moruya Showground on September 23.
RfR Spokesperson and creative powerhouse Lisa Cornithwaite invited everyone to come along and create a lantern that tells their story and shines their light.
“RfR artists will be on hand to provide assistance and access to waste materials like plastics and textiles,” Lisa said. “We will take care of the lighting aspect of your lantern and installation at Luminous.”
Doggy Downlight: Spot the light in the dog’s tail.
Young people aged 16 to 25 are encouraged to join a workshop, or create a lantern at home for the Youth ART Comp, with $1350 in prize money up for grabs.

“Drop into one of our free lantern workshops to meet some of the team and pick up some tips and tricks,” Lisa said. “We can also provide materials to keep on creating at home, we want to see a field of lanterns at the festival finale on September 23!”
The two free workshops include lunch and materials. The Bodalla workshop will explore working with plastics, and the Moruya will use textiles intercepted on their way to landfill. There’s no need to worry about lighting, RfR will install it for you!
Lisa said RfR is about creating a more circular economy in our neck of the woods.
“One of the ways we do this is by raising awareness and educating our community on the value of waste and our much-needed move from a throw away society. By reusing and repurposing discarded waste materials prior to landfill or recycling streams, we can work towards lessening the impact on our beautiful coastal environment.”
“This initiative, funded by Festivals Australia gives us the opportunity to do this as well as work with youth.”
Entries for the Youth Art Prize are open to youth aged 16 to 26. The prize is $650 for first place, $450 for second place and $250 for People’s Choice. Lanterns must be made using at least 50% recycled materials and entries are due September 9.
Bookings are essential, register your interest at
Can’t make a workshop? You can donate plastic bottles at Bodalla Post Office or Repair Cafe Eurobodalla in Moruya on Fridays before 12.30pm. We are looking for clean, undamaged 1.25L and 2L bottles.

Lanterns made at the Mogo Big Day Out NAIDOC Day
Repurposing for Resilience Along with creative workshops, RfR also runs practical skills-based workshops for the community to grow resilience & sustainability and has successfully brought electrical apprenticeship training to the Eurobodalla!
This project proudly supported by Festivals Australia.