Federal Finance Minister Simon Birmingham says a Labor scare campaign and the unlucky timing of the Omicron COVID-19 variant are among the reasons for Steven Marshall's election loss in South Australia. Meanwhile in the South East NSW the fact remains that Scott Morrison doesn't hold the hose. In fact it turns out that all he can do is cook a curry.
Will a State Government election in South Australia hold any relevance to the outcome of a federal election in Eden Monaro and Gilmore? At a Federal level the Liberals have run two-time loser Fiona Kotvojs so, unless they find a champion in the next four weeks the current, very popular, Kristy McBain will retain her seat.
Like wise in Gilmore the Liberals are attempting a candidate that has more flaws than a rough cut gem to go against Federal MP Fiona Phillips.
Adding to the grief of the Liberal candidate is the "Kiss of death" endorsement by the Prime Minister, Scott Morrison, who is unable to return to the South East following the most embarrassing NO handshakes every never performed by a Prime Minister.
During the recent Moruya Celebrates that celebrated the 90th year of the Sydney Harbour Bridge The Beagle aske locals what they thought of ScoMo and if they would vote for his party and his endorsed one, "Andrew Constance":
the responses:
"Constance did f*ckall for Bega south of his beloved Batemans Bay"
"Thank god we had Constance so we could enjoy $8million in pork barrelling".
"Where is Scomo? Is he too scared to come back?"
"If Constance is endorsed by Morrison then they are doomed".
"Constance is just a fly by nighter. What, is being a State Member so hard you want to walk away twice? Where is the loyalty? "
"Holland is caring. So is Kristy and Fiona - For f*ck's sake Constance doesn't even answer his emails."
Will the poor rating of Andrew Constance, standing as a candidate in the upcoming Federal election have nay bearing at all to the end result.
From the feedback in Moruya during the weekend celebrations it appears that Liberal votes are as rare as hen's teeth in Moruya and the wider region of Eurobodalla.
Federal Liberal support has bottomed out in the South East following the poor response to Emergency Management.