The Streeton Trio will play their only live performance for 2020 in Batemans Bay next Sunday, 29th November at 3pm at St Bernard’s Church, 2 David St Batehaven
Tickets available online only at
Adults $40, Members and Concessions $35
The South Coast Music Society is very pleased to present this COVID safe performance.
· Tickets are strictly limited and must be booked online.
· Social distancing will be observed during the performance.
· The one-hour concert program has been specially selected to joyful and uplifting as well as COVID safe.
· There will be no interval and refreshments will not be served. Concert goers are welcome to bring their own bottled water.
The Streeton Trio has been described as ‘Australia’s most internally successful piano trio’. Like all musicians, the Trio’s plans for 2020 were significantly affected by the national and international COVID lockdowns and travel bans.
Belinda Collins, President of the South Coast Music Society said "The South Coast Music Society also had to change plans this year. Two of the four performances scheduled for 2020 had to be cancelled because of COVID restrictions., but live performance is returning to the South Coast. We are very happy to be able to present our planned performance by the Streeton Trio. Some of the audience experience will be different, but the important part – listening to international standard musicians play classical music in a venue with performance hall acoustics and views of Batemans Bay – remains the same.
"Streeton Trio members are very excited to be returning to Batemans Bay and to be performing before a live audience. The program will include joyful piano trios by Beethoven and Mendelssohn.
Tickets are available at